Figure F6. Concentrations of various dissolved species in interstitial waters from Holes 1227A and 1227D. Methane and ethane concentrations in interstitial waters were calculated from 24-hr extraction yields and the porosity estimates derived from gamma ray attenuation densitometer data (see "Density and Porosity" in "Physical Properties"). A. Alkalinity. B. Dissolved organic carbon (DIC). C. Sulfate. D. Barium. E. Manganese. F. Iron. G. Strontium. H. Lithium. I. Total sulfide. J. Acetate. K. Formate. L. Methane. M. Ethane. N. Methane/ethane ratio. O. Propane. P. Hydrogen. Q. Ammonium. R. Phosphate. S. Silica. T. chloride. U. Lithium vs. chloride.