Figure F2. Leg 201 pore water sulfate concentrations (green circles) and 34S values (red circles) vs. depth. Green squares indicate sulfate concentrations measured in pore waters from previous sites drilled on almost identical positions during DSDP Leg 34 and ODP Leg 112 (Yeats, Hart, et al., 1976; Suess, von Huene, et al., 1988). H2S data are total dissolved sulfide data and taken from D'Hondt, Jørgensen, Miller, et al. (2003). A. Sites 1225, 1226, and 1227. Sulfide was below detection limit in Site 1225 pore water. V-CDT = Vienna-Canyon Diablo troilite. B. Sites 1228, 1229, and 1231. Red squares indicate the sulfur isotopic composition of dissolved sulfate measured in pore water at Site 680 (G. Claypool, unpubl. data). Sulfide was below detection limit in Site 1231 pore water. V-CDT = Vienna-Canyon Diablo troilite.