Figure F4. Representative Type 1 ash. Core photograph (left), smear slide (middle), and backscatter electron (right) (BSE) images of three representative ash occurrences for Leg 201 cores. Black arrows point to top and bottom ash layer contacts. From top to bottom, interval 201-1227A-13H-2, 146–147.3 cm, represents ash consisting of ~80% volcanic glass in the form of shards (GS), bubble wall shards (BWS), and vesicular glass (VG); interval 201-1228A-9H-1, 97–101.7 cm, represents ash consisting of vesicular glass (VG), as well as a large glassy aggregate (GA), which consist of various types of glass morphologies; and interval 201-1229A-14H-5, 50–55.6 cm, represents ash consisting of 15% pumice (PM), as well as 5% volcanic glass.