Table T7. Techniques, standards, typical ratios of measured/expected values, and typical reproducibility for interstitial water geochemical analyses.
Measured/expected range
Reproducibility (% rsd, 1 )
Alkalinity AT Sodium carbonate solutions * 1-5

IAPSO (low alkalinity sites)
Cl- T IAPSO Up to 0.5
SO42- IC IAPSO 0.96-1.03 Up to 4
H4SiO4 S Solution, weighed 1-3
HPO42- S Solution, weighed Up to 4
NH4+ S Solution, weighed 2-4
Na+ IC (1232), ICP-AES IAPSO 0.96-1.02 Up to 3
Mg2+ IC (1232), ICP-AES IAPSO 0.97-1.02 Up to 3
Ca2+ IC (1232), ICP-AES IAPSO 0.95-1.02 Up to 3
K+ IC (1232), ICP-AES IAPSO 0.95-1.04 Up to 3
Mn2+ ICP-AES Dilutions of reference solutions in acidified NaCl matrix 0.94-1.04 Up to 4
Fe2+ ICP-AES Dilutions of reference solutions in acidified NaCl matrix 0.97-1.11 Up to 4
B ICP-AES Dilutions of reference solutions in acidified NaCl matrix 0.95-1.04 Up to 4
Sr2+ ICP-AES Dilutions of reference solutions in acidified NaCl matrix 0.99-1.04 Up to 4
Ba2+ ICP-AES Dilutions of reference solutions in acidified NaCl matrix 0.96-1.02 Up to 4
Li+ ICP-AES Dilutions of reference solutions in acidified NaCl matrix 0.91-1.17 Up to 4

Notes: AT = autotitration, T = titration, IC = ion chromotography, S = spectrophotometry, ICP-AES = inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrophotometry. rsd = relative standard deviation. IAPSO = International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Ocean. * = range 0.88-0.96 observed; samples corrected to IAPSO and/or other standards. — = no comparison made. † = calibrated directly to IAPSO standards.