Figure F10. A. A comparison of the drillers depth (mbsf) and meters composite depth (mcd) scales in Holes 1237B through 1237D. B. A comparison of the growth of cumulative depth offset and mcd in the splice for Holes 1237B (red diamonds), 1237C (green squares), and 1237D (blue circles). The blue lines separate intervals of the splice that have different growth factors (GFs). The cores with tops in the interval from 0.00 to 157.10 mcd have a GF of 1.09. The cores with tops in the interval from 162.80 to 254.20 mcd have a GF of 1.13. The cores with tops in the interval from 258.90 to 350.61 mcd have a GF of 1.20. The 1:1 (mbsf:mcd) line is also shown for comparison. The solid black dots are the tie points used to calculate cmcd. Equations are given in Table T2.