Figure F5. East-west vertical slice through the 3-D seismic data (Tréhu and Bangs, 2001) showing the stratigraphic and structural setting of Sites 1244-1246 and 1252. Seismic Reflections A, B, B´, Y, and Y´ are anomalously bright stratigraphic events and are discussed further in the text. Seismic reflection AC is the top of the seismically incoherent core of Hydrate Ridge, interpreted to represent older, highly deformed sediments of the accretionary complex. The depth scale in meters is shown on the left, assuming a velocity of 1550 m/s above 150 mbsf and 1650 m/s below 150 mbsf. The length of the lines representing sites indicates maximum depth of penetration at that site, and horizontal ticks are located 75 m apart.