Table T1. Depth to major seismic horizons.
Estimated depth
prior to Leg 204
Confirmed or
revised depth
Basis for

1244 BSR 124 127-129 VSP, WSL

B 162 160 VSP

B' 205 216-218 LWD, VSP
1245 Y 73

BSR 134

A 180

1246 B 59

B' 97 96 LWD

BSR 114

1247A Y 60

BSR 121

A 162 162-165 LWD
1247B Y 62 65 VSP

BSR 124 129-134 LVD, VSP, WSL

A 158 150-160 VSP
1248 Y 46

BSR 115

A 128 127-129 LWD
1249 Y 53

BSR 115

1250 Y 42

BSR 112 114 LWD, VSP, WSL

A 150 148-152 LWD, VSP, WSL
1251 U 130

BSR 193

1252 U 95

BSR (170)

Notes: VSP = vertical seismic profile, LWD = electrical resistivity from logging while drilling, WSL = wireline sonic log. The depth to major seismic horizons is estimated from 3-D seismic reflection data (Tréhu and Bangs, 2001; Tréhu et al., 2002) using velocities from 3-D OBS tomography (Arsenault et al., 2001). Updates of these estimates based on data acquired during Leg 204 are given when available from shipboard results. The bottom-simulating reflector (BSR) depth at Site 1252 is projected from nearby BSR observations.