Site 1252 is the only site for which no LWD data were obtained. Site 1252 was cored (Table T1) under good weather conditions. Wind speed was 13-11 kt, gusting to 22 kt; seas were 5-6 ft; swell was 7 ft; and the prevailing sea-surface current was from the north at ~0.5 kt.

Hole 1252A was spudded at 0325 hr on 31 August 2002 and cored with the advanced piston corer (APC) to refusal at 125 mbsf, with excellent recovery (Table T1). We continued with extended core barrel (XCB) coring to a total depth (TD) of 259.8 mbsf, where the primary scientific objectives were achieved. The only special downhole tool used at this site was the APC temperature (APCT) tool, which was used to measure in situ temperature in seven runs (Table T9). After coring, wireline logging data were acquired including one run with the triple combination (triple combo) tool string and one run with the Formation MicroScanner (FMS)-sonic tool string (see "Downhole Logging"). This alternate site was the last site drilled during Leg 204.

Transit to Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

The rig was secured to get under way at 2100 hr on 1 September. All thrusters and hydrophones were retrieved and secured. The ship prepared to get under way and departed for Victoria at 2400 hr. We picked up the pilot at 0800 hr on 2 September and docked at Berth "B" north at 0900 hr, thus concluding Leg 204.