Figure F2. Comparison of lithologic units defined by the shipboard sedimentologists during Leg 204 (Shipboard Science Party, 2003a) with the seismic units defined in this paper. Lithologic units are shown as columns at each site. Ages determined by shipboard paleontologists, in millions of years, are shown as red numbers along the sides of the lithologic columns. Ages in parentheses are not compatible with the seismic data and are attributed to reworking of older sediments. Seismic stratigraphic units represent coherent sediment packages that can be mapped between sites and are labeled as Unit S.VII to S.IA. These are separated by seismic stratigraphic Horizons A, B, B´, C, D, and Y and major angular unconformities K and U. The position of significant structures (Anticlines A and B; Fold F; Faults F1, F2, and E; and the "Dome") and of the bottom-simulating reflection (BSR) are also shown.