Figure F8. Photomicrographs of sediments recovered at Site 1255. A. Siltstone, a coarse-grained interbed within the otherwise clay-rich section (Sample 205-1255A-2R-1, 10 cm). B. Claystone with volcanic silt and minor amounts of diatoms just below the lithostratigraphic boundary (Sample 205-1255A-2R-CC, 1 cm). C. Nannofossil chalk with minor clays and silt (Sample 205-1255A-3R-2, 44 cm). Note the detrital mica grain and the many star-shaped Discoaster. D. Claystone with volcanic/palagonitic silt (Sample 205-1255A-3R-2, 71 cm). Note the abundant siliceous planktonic fauna of diatoms and silicoflagellates typical of underthrust lithostratigraphic Unit U1. E. Coarser redeposited material mixed with diatom-rich claystone (Sample 205-1255A-3R-CC, 1 cm). F. Large diatoms typical of lithostratigraphic Subunit U1B (Sample 205-1255A-4R-1, 1 cm). The clastic component is dominated by volcanic detritus or its altered equivalent.