Figure F2. Ternary diagram for the chemical classification of phyllosilicates, after Meunier and Velde (1989), applied to some examples from the Hole 1256D lava pond. Vertices are defined as M+ (= Na + K + Ca), 4Si, and 3R2+ (= Fe2+ + Mg2+ + Mn2+). A. Sample 206-1256C-10R-1, 50–54 cm. B. Sample 206-1256D-4R-1, 93–96 cm. C. Sample 206-1256D-7R-3, 24–28 cm. D. Sample 206-1256D-12R-8, 62–68 cm. Abbreviations of end-members: Beid = beidellite, Cel = celadonite, Chl = chlorite, Kao = kaolinite, Mont = montmorillonite, Mus = muscovite, Phl = phlogopite, Pyr = pyrophyllite, Sap = saponite, Ste = stevensite, Tlc = talc. See text for definitions of Types 1–8.