Table AT1. Black shale sample cleaning procedures for black shale sample splits from Sample 207-1258B-51R-2, 13–20 cm (Cenomanian).
Treatment Steps
1 Soak 2 hr Sonicate Wash/dry Soak 15 hr Sonicate Wash/dry 5.0

Calgon sol. 40 s
Calgon sol. 90 s

2 Soak 2 hr Sonicate Wash/dry Soak 1.5 hr
Wash/dry 13.1

20% bleach 40 s
75% bleach

3 Soak 2 hr Sonicate Wash/dry Soak 15 hr Sonicate Wash/dry 9.0

20% Cascade** 40 s
75% Cascade 90 s

4 Soak 2 hr
Wash/dry Soak 1 hr
Wash/dry 10.9

100% bleach

100% bleach

Notes: * = Coarse fraction is the % (by weight) of the initial ~5 g of material that was left at the end of the procedure. † = Calgon-peroxide solution (pH = 6) prepared by mixing 175 g sodium hexametaphosphate, 2 liters of ~35% hydrogen peroxide (pH < 4) and 18 liters deionized water (pH = 5). ‡ = Ultra Clorox regular bleach manufactured by The Clorox Company. This is 94% water, 6% sodium hypochlorite, and trace sodium hydroxide (pH = 11.4 for the undiluted product). ** = Cascade Pure Rinse Gel dishwasher detergent manufactured by Procter and Gamble. This is 90% water, 5%–10% sodium silicate, and 1%–5% of each of the following: sodium hypochlorite, potassium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide (pH = 11.7 for the undiluted product).