Table AT3. Results of a test of Calgon-hydrogen peroxide solution and 100% bleach on two different shale samples.
Coarse fraction (weight %)
Before sonication
After sonication
After overnight soak
Sample 207-1259C-11R-4, 130–150 cm (Santonian)

Calgon-peroxide 44.7 11.8 3.6
100% bleach 5.9 NA* NA
Sample 207-1259C-17R-1, 116–136 cm (Turonian)

Calgon-peroxide 66.9 45.5 32.4
100% bleach 12.1 NA NA

Notes: * = No further cleaning steps were needed after the 2-hr and 1-hr soaks. † = Very few foraminifers remained at this point.