Table T1. Calculation of proportions of major components presented in Figure F3.
Carbonate [%] = TIC [wt%] x 8.3331
SiO2xs [%] = SiO2 [wt%] – Al2O3 [wt%] x (SiO2/Al2O3)min/Unit
OM [%] = TOC [wt%] x 1.34
Pyrite [%] = min (pyriteFe [wt%]; pyriteTS [wt%])
If pyriteFe [%] < pyriteTS [%]
nonpyrite S [%] = TS [wt%] – Spyrite [wt%]
terrigenous detritus [%] = 100% – (carbonate; SiO2xs; OM; pyrite; nonpyritic S)

Notes: OM = organic matter. TIC = total inorganic carbon. TOC = total organic carbon. TS = total sulfur.