A Hiatus
early Oligocene, A7:24
late Miocene–Pleistocene sequence, A5:24
A Horizon
seismic profiles, B1:26
tectonics, B1:5
acridine orange direct counts, microbiology, B13:1–6
age vs. depth, models, A4:21, 54, 97–100; A5:23–24, 64, 102–104; A6:27, 60–61, 96–97; A7: 23–24, 58, 97–99; A8:22–23, 55
foraminiferal biostratigraphy, A4:13, 15–16
lithologic units, A4:9; A5:8–9; A7:10; A8:9
magnetostratigraphy, A7:21, 52–53
nannofossil biostratigraphy, A4:13; A5:14; A7:13; A8:14
oceanic anoxic events, A10:7
sedimentation rates, A8:23
See also Coniacian–Albian sequence
Albian, lower, lithologic units, A5:9
Albian, upper
geologic history, A1:4
paleoceanography, B1:5–6
paleogeography, B2:21
Albian/Cenomanian boundary, foraminiferal biostratigraphy, A7:14
Albian–Eocene sequence, paleomagnetism, B3:33
Albian–Santonian sequence, magnetostratigraphy, A4:19
algae, aquatic, chromatograms, A10:17
algae, biomarkers, A10:5–6
aliphatic fraction, biomarkers, A10:5
bioreactors, A7:29
pore water, A5:26
vs. depth, A4:57; A5:67; A6:66; A7:62; A8:58
alkanes. See n-alkanes
alkanes, acyclic, biomarkers, A10:5–6
alkenones, biomarkers, A10:7
alteration. See authigenesis; chemical index of alteration; diagenesis
aluminum. See arsenic/aluminum ratio; barium/aluminum ratio; calcium/aluminum ratio; copper/aluminum ratio; magnesium/aluminum ratio; manganese/aluminum ratio; molybdenum/aluminum ratio; nickel/aluminum ratio; strontium/aluminum ratio; trace metals/aluminum ratio; uranium/aluminum ratio; vanadium/aluminum ratio; zinc/aluminum ratio
aluminum oxide
lithologic units, B8:4–7
vs. titanium oxide, B8:20
vs. zirconium, B8:20
Cenomanian/Turonian boundary, A1:7
lithologic units, A5:9
photomicrograph, A5:50
pore water, A5:26
vs. depth, A1:79; A4:57; A5:67; A6:66; A7:62; A8:58; B1:22; B9:14–15
vs. sulfate, A6:69
angiosperms, Cenomanian/Turonian boundary, A1:7
anoxic conditions
black shale, A10:12
mid-Cenomanian Event, B1:6
Aptian–Santonian sequence, magnetostratigraphic correlation, B3:14
aquifers, brines, A4:26–27; A6:32; A8:28–29
aragonite, black shale, A4:26
Archaea, lipids, B1:9; B12:4–5
arenite, lithologic units, A6:8
aromatic fraction, biomarkers, A10:7
arsenic/aluminum ratio, lithologic units, B8:25
Atlantic Ocean, Early Cretaceous linkage of southern and northern parts, B1:11
Atlantic Ocean equatorial
gateway opening, A1:13–14
geologic history, A1:3–4
morphologic map, B1:17
Aucellina, lithologic units, A8:9
authigenesis, black shale, A5:28
B Hiatus
late Eocene–middle Miocene sequence, A5:24
late–middle Eocene sequence, A7:24
B Horizon, sediments, A6:36
B´ Horizon, sediments, A6:36
bacteria, lipids, B12:4
black shale, A5:28
lithologic units, A6:8; A8:6–7; B8:10
bioreactors, A7:28
black shale, A4:25; A5:28
lithologic units, B8:9–10
vs. depth, A1:79; A4:57; A5:67; A6:66; A7:62; A8:58; B1:22; B9:14–15
barium/aluminum ratio, lithologic units, B8:10, 25
bathymetry, A3:3, 5
bedding planes
photomicrograph, A5:50
transmission light microscope photograph, B2:29
bioclastics, lithologic units, A6:9; B8:4–11
biogeochemistry, molecular, Cretaceous black shales, A10:1–22
Cretaceous black shale, A10:5–7
organic matter, A10:19–22
bioreactors, black shale, A5:27–29; A6:30–32; A7:27–29; B1:8–9
biosphere, active deep, Cretaceous–Paleogene depth transect, B1:1–26
biostratigraphic datums, sedimentation rates, A8:89
Cretaceous, A1:69
Demerara Rise, A1:39–42
Paleogene, A1:67
silicoflagellates, B4:5–6
Site 1257, A4:11–16
Site 1258, A5:10–18
Site 1259, A6:11–21
Site 1260, A7:11–18
Site 1261, A8:10–19
biotic turnover, paleoclimatology, A1:6–8
lithologic units, A4:8; A5:5–9; A6:5–8; A7:5–11; A8:5–9
photograph, A6:46
Cenomanian/Turonian boundary, A1:7
lithologic units, A5:9; A6:9
photomicrograph, A5:50
black shale
bioreactors, A7:27–29; B1:8–9
biostratigraphy, A1:42
carbon/nitrogen ratio, A5:25; B1:8–9
Cenomanian, B1:6
Coniacian–Albian sequence, A1:21
core-log correlation, B14:15
deposition, B1:4–5
diagenesis bioreactor, A4:24–26; A5:27–29; A6:30–32
foraminiferal biostratigraphy, A8:18
geologic history, A1:3–4
intact membrane lipids, B12:1–11
lithologic units, A5:8–10
lithostratigraphy, A1:38–39
log-adjusted depth scales, B14:1–29
mass accumulation rates, A8:23–24
microbial gases, A9:1–15
microbiology, B13:1–6
molecular biogeochemistry, A10:1–22
nannofossil biostratigraphy, A5:13
oceanic anoxic events, A1:5
organic matter, A6:28–29
oxygen isotopes, B11:1–13
paleoenvironment, A10:9
photograph, A5:48, 51–53; A8:46
stable isotopes, B6:1–23
stratigraphy, A1:81
sulfur-iron-carbon system, B9:1–23
total organic carbon, A4:73; A7:37, 78
well-logging, A4:33; A5:37; A8:73
well-logs, A4:72
black shale, laminated
photograph, A8:46–48
photomicrograph, A5:50
blebs, lithologic units, A4:5
"Bonarelli Event," Oceanic Anoxic Event 2, A1:5
boreholes, enlargement, A4:34
black shale, A4:26
pore water, A6:32; A8:28
vs. depth, A4:58; A5:68; A6:67; A7:63; A8:59
Bottryococcus braunii, paleoenvironment, A10:9
brines, aquifers, A4:26–27; A6:32; A8:28–29
Cretaceous–Paleocene sequence, A1:25
lithologic units, A4:5–8; A6:5–8; A7:5–9
photograph, A4:40, 43; A5:48; A6:43–51
C Hiatus
earliest Paleocene, A5:24
early Eocene, A7:24
C Horizon
sediments, A6:36
structural evolution, B1:4–12
surface map, A1:88
vs. two-way traveltime, A6:77
calcispheres, lithologic units, A7:7
black shale, A4:26
lithologic units, A7:7–10
vs. depth, A4:72
calcite, diagenetic
lithologic units, A5:9; A6:9
photograph, A5:53; A8:47
calcite cement, photograph, A6:49
calcite fans, diagenetic botryoidal, photograph, A8:47
calcite logs, vs. depth, A5:79–81; A7:71–72, 75–77; A8:69, 72–73
calcite stringers, lithologic units, A6:9
bioreactors, A7:28
black shale, A4:25; A5:28
brine aquifers, A8:28–29
organic matter, A8:27–28
pore water, A6:31
vs. depth, A4:58; A5:68; A6:67; A7:63; A8:59
vs. strontium, A8:62
calcium/aluminum ratio, lithologic units, B8:23
calcium/chloride ratio
pore water, A6:32
vs. depth, A6:68; A8:60
vs. lithium/chloride ratio, A6:71
calcium oxide, lithologic units, B8:6–7
caliper logs, vs. depth, A4:67, 69–70, 72; A5:77, 79–81; A7:70, 72, 75–77; A8:67, 69, 71–73
foraminiferal biostratigraphy, A4:15; A6:20; A7:16; A8:17–18
geologic history, A1:4
lithologic units, A4:7–8; A5:7–8; A6:7–8
magnetostratigraphy, A7:21; A8:21, 52–53; B3:8
nannofossil biostratigraphy, A5:13; A6:15; A8:13
radiolarian biostratigraphy, A4:16; A5:18; A6:21; A7:18; A8:19
Campanian, lower
lithologic units, A7:7, 9
nannofossil biostratigraphy, A4:12
paleoceanography, B1:5–6
Campanian, upper
lithologic units, A7:8–9; A8:7–8
stable isotopes, B7:1–9
Campanian–Eocene sequence, magnetostratigraphy, B3:1–48
Campanian–Maastrichtian sequence
foraminiferal biostratigraphy, A7:14
magnetic susceptibility, A1:75
magnetostratigraphic correlation, B3:14
magnetostratigraphy, A5:21; A6:25; B3:9–13
paleomagnetism, B3:31–32, 34–35
radiolarian biostratigraphy, A4:16
sedimentation rates, A8:90
Campanian–middle Eocene sequence, magnetostratigraphy, A7:52–53
Canje Formation, geologic history, A1:4
sediments, B9:1–23
See also sulfur/carbon ratio
carbon, carbonate
Albian–Santonian sequence, B11:1–13
oxygen isotopes, B11:4–5
carbon, inorganic
Albian–Santonian sequence, B11:1–13
sediments, A4:23, 101–103; A5:24, 106–110; A6:28, 99–101; A7:25, 101–103; A8:24, 92–93
carbon, organic
Albian–Santonian sequence, B11:1–13
nitrogen isotopes, B11:4
sediments, A5:24; B11:3–4
vs. depth, A4:42
carbon, total, sediments, A4:101–103; A5:106–110; A6:99–101; A7:101–103; A8:92–93
carbon, total inorganic
vs. calcium oxide, B8:22
vs. depth, B9:17–18
vs. magnesium oxide, B8:22
vs. manganese oxide, B8:22
vs. strontium, B8:22
carbon, total organic
black shale, A4:73; A7:37, 78
cyclostratigraphy, B2:13
oceanic anoxic events, A1:4–6
sediments, A4:23, 101–103; A5:106–110; A6:26, 99–101; A7:25, 101–104; A8:24, 92–93; A9:3–6
vs. carbon/nitrogen ratio, A1:78
vs. depth, A4:73; A5:45, 82; A6:41; A7:78; A8:41, 74; A9:12–16; B9:17–18
vs. methane, A6:65; A7:61; A9:7–8, 18
vs. nitrogen isotopes, B11:10
vs. pyrite and organic sulfur, B9:20–21
vs. total organic carbon/total nitrogen ratio, B11:9
well-log units, A8:36–37
carbon, total organic/total nitrogen ratio
sediments, B11:3–4
vs. total organic carbon, B11:9
carbon/nitrogen ratio
black shale, A5:25; B1:8–9
iron isotopes, B10:8
organic matter sources, A7:25–26; A8:24–25
sediments, A4:23, 101–103; A5:106–110; A6:28–29, 99–101; A7:101–103; A8:92–93
vs. depth, B10:12
vs. total organic carbon, A1:78
carbon dioxide
methanogenesis, A9:6–8
vs. methane, A9:17
vs. total inorganic carbon, B8:22
carbon isotopes
Campanian–Maastrichtian sequence, B7:3
cyclostratigraphy, B2:10, 28
lower–middle Eocene, B1:25
Oceanic Anoxic Event 2, B1:21
oceanic anoxic events, A1:5
Paleocene/Eocene Thermal Maximum, B1:24
paleoclimatology, B1:7–8
Paleogene, B6:10
planktonic foraminifers, B6:3–4
vs. age, B7:7
vs. depth, B1:21; B2:28; B7:6
vs. oxygen isotopes, B6:19
carbon number, n-alkanes, A10:8–9
carbonate compensation depth, lithologic units, A7:11
carbonate content
cyclostratigraphy, B2:8–12
photoelectric effect logs, A5:83
sediments, A4:5–11, 101–103; A6:28, 99–101; A7:101–103; A9:3–6
vs. depth, A4:42; A5:45, 72–74; A6:41; A8:41; A9:12–16
carbonate detritus, lithologic units, B8:4–11
carbonate-rich intervals, mid-Cretaceous, B2:6–8
black shale, A5:28–29
recrystallization, A7:29
scatter plots, B8:22
subduction, A1:10
carbonates, bulk, stable isotopes, B7:1–9
carbonates, diagenetic, mid-Cretaceous, B2:7
CARD-FISH, microbiology, B13:1–6
catalyzed reporter deposition–fluorescence in situ hybridization, microbiology, B13:1–6
black shale, B1:6
cyclostratigraphy, B2:12, 25
foraminiferal biostratigraphy, A4:15; A5:17; A8:18
lithologic units, A4:8–9; A6:8–9
nannofossil biostratigraphy, A5:14; A6:15; A7:13; A8:14
transmission light microscope photograph, B2:30
See also Albian/Cenomanian boundary; Coniacian–Cenomanian sequence; mid-Cenomanian Event; Santonian–Cenomanian sequence
Cenomanian, upper, lithologic units, A8:8–9
Cenomanian–Maastrichtian sequence, magnetostratigraphy, A4:19
Cenomanian/Turonian boundary
foraminiferal biostratigraphy, A7:17
Oceanic Anoxic Event 2, A1:5; B1:6–7
Cenozoic, paleoclimatology, A1:64
cerium anomaly, lithologic units, B8:8, 27
lithologic units, A5:8–10
photograph, A5:47
chalk, bioturbated calcareous, photograph, A5:46
chalk, bioturbated foraminifer nannofossil, photograph, A7:44
chalk, calcareous
lithologic units, A5:5–7; A8:6
photograph, A8:45
chalk, clayey, lithologic units, A4:9; A6:8–9; A7:9–10; A8:8–9
chalk, clayey nannofossil
lithologic units, A5:8–10; A6:7; A7:7–9
photograph, A6:43; A7:46
chalk, foraminifer nannofossil
lithologic units, A4:7; A6:5–6
photograph, A5:46; A6:42
chalk, glauconite-rich clayey, photograph, A8:46
chalk, laminated nannofossil, photograph, A8:47
chalk, nannofossil
lithologic units, A4:5–8; A5:5–7; A6:6–8; A7:5–9; A8:6–8
photograph, A4:40; A6:43
chalk, nannofossil-rich, photograph, A5:46
chalk, radiolarian, lithologic units, A7:5–6
chalk, radiolarian nannofossil, photograph, A7:44
chalk, siliceous nannofossil, lithologic units, A4:5–7
checkshot surveys
acoustic traveltime, A4:34–35
data, A4:111; A7:37–38, 113; A8:103
chemical index of alteration
lithologic units, B8:6
vs. weathering factor, B8:19
chert, lithologic units, A7:6–7
Chicxulub impact structure, critical events, A1:12–13
brine aquifers, A8:28–29
brines, A6:32
pore water, A4:26–27; A5:26
vs. depth, A1:79; A4:57; A5:67; A6:66; A7:62; A8:58
vs. lithium, A4:59
See also calcium/chloride ratio; lithium/chloride ratio; magnesium/chloride ratio; potassium/chloride ratio; sodium/chloride ratio; strontium/chloride ratio
chloride, low, anomalies, A5:30; A7:29–30
chlorinity, pore water, A5:30
Chlorobiaceae, biomarkers, A10:7
cholestane, biomarkers, A10:6
lithologic units, A4:5–7; A5:5–7; A6:5–8; A7:5–9; A8:7–8
photograph, A6:47
chromium, Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary, B1:23
Chron C5D, magnetostratigraphy, A6:23
Chron C5E, magnetostratigraphy, A6:23
Chron C6C, magnetostratigraphy, A6:23
Chron C6n, magnetostratigraphy, A6:23
Chron C10r–C12 interval, magnetostratigraphy, A6:23
Chron C12n, magnetostratigraphy, A4:18
Chron C12r, magnetostratigraphy, A4:18
Chron C13n, magnetostratigraphy, A4:18
Chron C15n, magnetostratigraphy, A4:18; A6:24; B3:9, 12, 15
Chron C15r, magnetostratigraphy, A6:24
Chron C16n, magnetostratigraphy, A4:18
Chron C17–C20 interval, magnetostratigraphy, A4:18
Chron C17n, magnetostratigraphy, A4:18; B3:15
Chron C17r, magnetostratigraphy, B3:9
Chron C18n, magnetostratigraphy, B3:9, 15
Chron C18n–C27r interval, magnetostratigraphy, B3:16
Chron C18r, magnetostratigraphy, B3:11
Chron C18r–C21n interval, magnetostratigraphy, A6:24; B3:12
Chron C18r–C21r interval, magnetostratigraphy, A7:20
Chron C18r–C23n interval, magnetostratigraphy, B3:11
Chron C18r–C24r interval, magnetostratigraphy, A6:24
Chron C19r, magnetostratigraphy, A8:21
Chron C19r–C21r interval, magnetostratigraphy, B3:13
Chron C20n, magnetostratigraphy, A7:20; B3:9
Chron C20r, magnetostratigraphy, A4:19; A7:20; B3:9
Chron C21n, magnetostratigraphy, A7:20; A8:21; B3:12
Chron C21n–C22n interval, magnetostratigraphy, B3:12
Chron C21r, magnetostratigraphy, A5:20; A8:21; B3:11
Chron C22n, magnetostratigraphy, A7:20; A8:21; B3:10, 13, 15
Chron C22n–C23n interval, magnetostratigraphy, A6:24
Chron C22r, magnetostratigraphy, A8:21; B3:10, 13
Chron C23n, magnetostratigraphy, A5:20; A7:21; A8:21; B3:10
Chron C23r, magnetostratigraphy, A6:24; A8:21; B3:10, 13
Chron C23r–C24n interval, magnetostratigraphy, A5:20
Chron C24n, magnetostratigraphy, A4:19; A5:20; A6:24; A8:21; B3:8–9, 11
Chron C24r
magnetic polarity, B3:6, 15
magnetostratigraphy, A5:20; A6:24; A7:21; A8:21; B3:8–12
Chron C24r–C25n–C25r–C26n interval, magnetostratigraphy, A4:19
Chron C24r–C25r–C26n–C26r interval, magnetostratigraphy, B3:10
Chron C24r–C26n interval, magnetostratigraphy, A7:21
Chron C24r–C27n interval, magnetostratigraphy, B3:13
Chron C25n
composite record, A4:21
magnetostratigraphy, A6:25; B3:8–9
Chron C25n–C26r interval, magnetostratigraphy, A5:21
Chron C25r, magnetostratigraphy, B3:8–9
Chron C25r–C26n–C26r interval, magnetostratigraphy, B3:11
Chron C25r–C26r interval, magnetostratigraphy, A6:25
Chron C25r–C27n interval, magnetostratigraphy, A8:21
Chron C26n
composite record, A4:21
magnetostratigraphy, A4:19; B3:8–9, 12
Chron C29r
critical events, A1:12–13; B3:14
magnetostratigraphy, A5:21; A7:21; B3:9, 12–13
Chron C29r–C30n interval, magnetostratigraphy, B3:11
Chron C29r–C31 interval, magnetostratigraphy, B3:16
Chron C29r–C31r interval, magnetostratigraphy, B3:11, 13
Chron C30n, magnetostratigraphy, A5:21
Chron C30n–C31n interval, magnetostratigraphy, A8:21
Chron C30n–C31r interval, magnetostratigraphy, A6:25
Chron C30n–C34n interval, magnetostratigraphy, B3:9
Chron C31n, magnetostratigraphy, B3:12
Chron C31n–C31r interval, magnetostratigraphy, B3:11
Chron C31r
Cenomanian/Turonian boundary, A1:7
magnetostratigraphy, A4:19; A8:21; B3:8, 13
Chron C32n–C32r–uppermost C33n interval, magnetostratigraphy, A4:19
Chron C32n–C33n interval, magnetostratigraphy, B3:8
Chron C33n, magnetostratigraphy, A4:19
Chron C33r, magnetostratigraphy, B3:13
Chron C34n
magnetic polarity, B3:7, 14
magnetostratigraphy, A4:19; A5:21; B3:14
tectonics, A1:9–10
chronostratigraphy, hiatuses, B1:11
foraminiferal biostratigraphy, A8:15–16
lithologic units, A5:8–9; A8:4–6
photograph, A4:44
sediments, A4:8
lithologic units, A4:5–9; A5:5–7; A6:7–8; A7:4–11; A8:6–8
organic matter, A8:27–28
photograph, A6:47–48; A7:45; A8:45
photomicrograph, A5:50
clay, calcareous nannofossil
lithologic units, A5:7–8
photograph, A5:48
clay, laminated, photograph, A7:45
clay, nannofossil
lithologic units, A4:5; A7:4; A8:4–6
photograph, A8:43
clay, pale olive, photograph, A4:40
clay/organic matter intervals, photograph, A5:51
clay minerals, black shale, A4:26
debris flows, B14:6
lithologic units, A5:8–9; A8:6–8
photograph, A6:46
claystone, calcareous
lithologic units, A4:9; A7:7, 9–10; A8:8–9
photograph, A7:47
photomicrograph, A7:49
claystone, calcareous laminated, lithologic units, A6:8–9
claystone, glauconitic
lithologic units, A6:8
photograph, A6:46
claystone, laminated, photograph, A6:49–50; A8:47
claystone, nannofossil, photograph, A7:45
claystone, organic-rich, photograph, A7:48
claystone, phosphatic calcareous, lithologic units, A5:9
claystone, silty
lithologic units, A6:9
photograph, A6:51
claystone, silty calcareous, lithologic units, A4:9
clinoptilolite, lithologic units, A5:10; A6:10
cobalt, Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary, B1:23
coccoliths, cyclostratigraphy, B2:14
collophane, lithologic units, A5:8; A6:9
Colombia, geologic history, A1:4
color banding, lithologic units, A4:6; A7:7
color change
cyclostratigraphy, B2:8–12
lithologic units, A4:5–8; A5:5–8; A6:5–8; A7:4–11; A8:4–9
photograph, A4:40; A5:47; A6:42; A7:44–46
cyclostratigraphy, B2:8–10
transmission light microscope photograph, B2:31
composite depth
Site 1257, A4:20–21, 95
Site 1258, A5:21–23, 100
Site 1259, A6:25–26, 94
Site 1260, A7:21–23, 95
Site 1261, A8:22, 87
composite section, tie points, B14:27–29
compressibility, sediments, B15:1–35
compressional wave velocity
composite depth, A4:20
discrete samples, A4:110; A5:117; A6:110; A7:112; A8:102
vs. depth, A4:62; A5:70–71; A7:66–67; A8:64
compressional wave velocity anisotropy, vs. depth, A8:64
lithologic units, A8:4–6
photograph, A8:44
foraminiferal biostratigraphy, A8:18
nannofossil biostratigraphy, A4:12; A5:14; A6:15; A8:14
sedimentation rates, A8:23
Coniacian–Albian sequence, black shale, A1:21
Coniacian–Cenomanian sequence, lithologic units, A7:9–10
Coniacian/Santonian boundary, transmission light microscope photograph, B2:29
Coniacian–Santonian sequence, foraminiferal biostratigraphy, A4:15
conjugate margins, mid-Cretaceous, B2:3–5
copper, lithologic units, B8:10
copper/aluminum ratio, lithologic units, B8:25
coproliths, photograph, A5:51
core-log correlation
tie points, B14:24–25
vs. depth, A4:68; B14:13, 15, 20, 23
coring, minicore directions, A4:92–94; A5:99; A6:91–93; A7:92–94; A8:85–86
biostratigraphy, A1:69
black shale, A10:1–22; B14:1–29
intact membrane lipids, B12:1–11
lithology, A1:70
paleoclimatology, A1:8–11
stable isotopes, B6:3–4
stratigraphy, A1:1–89
Cretaceous, mid
oceanic anoxic events, A1:62
organic-rich interval iron isotopes, B10:1–14
sediments, B2:1–31
Cretaceous, Upper
paleoclimatology, B1:7–8
paleogeography, A1:60
Cretaceous–Eocene sequence, magnetostratigraphy, A5:58–59; A6:54–55
Cretaceous Magnetic Superchron, tectonics, A1:9–10
Cretaceous–Miocene sequence, mass accumulation rates, A6:27–28
Cretaceous–Neogene sequence, depositional history, A1:50–51
Cretaceous Normal Polarity Superchron, magnetostratigraphy, A4:19
Cretaceous–Paleogene depth transect, paleoceanography, B1:1–26
Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary
biostratigraphy, A1:41–42; B1:9–10
critical events, A1:12–13, 30–31
extinction events, A1:7–8
foraminiferal biostratigraphy, A5:16–17; A7:16–17; A8:17
foraminifers, B1:9–10
gamma rays, A5:32
hiatuses, A4:28–29
iridium and chromium, B1:23
lithologic units, A5:6–7; A6:7–8; A7:7–11; A8:7–9
lithostratigraphy, A1:37–38
magnetostratigraphy, A6:25
nannofossil biostratigraphy, A6:14; A8:13
photograph, A4:44; A5:46; A6:43–44; A7:45
physical properties vs. depth, A6:74–75
sedimentation rates, A8:23
sedimentation rates and mass accumulation rates, A1:44
stratigraphy, A1:20–21
well-logs, A5:77–78
crust, continental, geologic history, A1:3–4
cyanobacteria, biomarkers, A10:5–6
cyclicity, photograph, A5:51
cyclostratigraphy, A1:44–45
Eocene, B1:10
mid-Cretaceous, B2:1–31
oceanic anoxic events, A1:5–6
D Hiatus, late Paleocene, A7:24
foraminiferal biostratigraphy, A6:19
nannofossil biostratigraphy, A6:14
See also Maastrichtian–Danian sequence
Danian, lower, foraminiferal biostratigraphy, A5:16
Danian/Selandian boundary, foraminiferal biostratigraphy, A8:17
debris flows
lithologic units, A8:10
photograph, A8:43–44
well-logging, A8:72
well-logs, B14:6
deep water, temperature, A1:10
deformation, photograph, A4:41
demagnetization, alternating-field, sediments, A7:18; A8:19–20; B3:21–22
demagnetization, thermal, mineralogy, B3:5, 19, 23
Demerara Plateau, geologic history, A1:3–4
Demerara Rise
biostratigraphy, A1:39–42
black shale, B14:1–29
Campanian–Eocene magnetostratigraphy, B3:1–48
Cretaceous–Neogene depositional history, A1:50–51
cyclostratigraphy, A1:44–45
gases in black shale, A9:1–15
geochemistry, B11:1–13
geology, A1:1–89
inorganic geochemistry, B8:1–37
iron isotopes, B10:1–14
lithostratigraphy, A1:37–39
location map, A1:58
microbiology, B13:1–6
mid-Cretaceous sediments, B2:1–31
operations summary, A1:89
organic geochemistry, A1:45–46
paleoceanography, B1:1–26
paleomagnetism, A1:42–43
pore water geochemistry, A1:46–47
sediment compressibility, B15:1–35
sedimentation rates, A1:43–44
seismic stratigraphy, A1:48–49
seismic surveys, A1:59; B1:18–20; B15:22
stable isotopes, B7:1–9
underway geophysics, A3:1–8
composite depth, A4:20; A5:21–22; A8:22
composite section, A6:25–26
debris flows, B14:6
different measurements, A6:109
different methods of measurement, A8:101
discrete samples, A6:105–108; A7:108–111
sediments, A4:27–28; A5:31; A6:33–35; A7:30–31; A8:29–30
vs. depth, A4:63–65, 76; A5:72–74, 84; A6:74–76; A7:64, 79; A8:75; B2:28; B14:6–8, 11
density, bulk, vs. depth, A4:60–61; A5:69–70; A6:72; A7:65–66, 68; A8:63
density, gamma-ray attenuation bulk
Cretaceous, A1:76
vs. depth, A5:69; A6:58, 73; A7:56, 67; A8:54, 65
density, grain, vs. depth, A4:60; A5:70; A6:72; A7:22, 65; A8:63
density logs, vs. depth, A4:68–70, 72, 76; A5:79–81; A7:71–72, 75–77; A8:68–69, 72–73; B14:16–19, 21–22
Cretaceous–Neogene sequence, A1:50–51
submarine plateaus, A9:2
diachronous deposits, mid-Cretaceous, B2:4
bioreactors, A7:27–29
black shale, A5:27–29; A6:30–32
carbonates, A1:22
iron minerals, B3:4–5
lithologic units, A4:6; A8:5
nannofossil biostratigraphy, A8:12–13
organic matter, A4:26–27; A10:7–8
See also authigenesis
diagenesis bioreactor, black shale, A4:24–26
lithologic units, A7:4
occurrence, B5:1–5
disconformities, nannofossil biostratigraphy, A8:13
lithologic units, A5:10
magnetic oxides, A7:19
black shale, A4:25; A5:28
downhole logging
Demerara Rise, A1:47–48
Site 1257, A4:29–35
Site 1258, A5:33–39
Site 1260, A7:33–38
Site 1261, A8:31–37
dysoxic conditions, mid-Cenomanian Event, B1:6
E Hiatus, early Campanian–Coniacian sequence, A7:24
eccentricity, cyclostratigraphy, B2:11
echinoid fragments, lithologic units, A6:9
ejecta layer, photograph, A5:46; A6:44; A7:45
B Hiatus, A5:24
cyclostratigraphy, B1:10
foraminiferal biostratigraphy, A7:14; A8:16–17
lithologic units, A4:5–7; A5:5–7; A8:6
magnetostratigraphic correlation, B3:15
magnetostratigraphy, A4:18–19, 50; A8:21; B3:11–13
nannofossil biostratigraphy, A6:13
radiolarian biostratigraphy, A5:18
sedimentation rates, A8:23
See also Albian–Eocene sequence; Campanian–Eocene sequence; Cretaceous–Eocene sequence; Cretaceous–Miocene sequence; Paleocene/Eocene boundary; Paleocene–Eocene sequence; Paleocene/Eocene Thermal Maximum
Eocene, lower
lithologic units, A6:5–6; A7:4–5
magnetostratigraphy, B3:8–9
nannofossil biostratigraphy, A4:12; A5:12
silicoflagellates, B4:5–6
See also Paleocene–lower Eocene sequence
Eocene, lower–middle
magnetostratigraphy, A5:20; A6:24; A7:20–21; B3:9–12
oxygen and carbon isotopes, B1:25
Eocene, lower/middle boundary, foraminiferal biostratigraphy, A4:14
Eocene, middle
diatoms, B5:1–5
foraminiferal biostratigraphy, A4:14; A5:15; A6:17; A7:15
lithologic units, A5:5; A6:5–6; A7:5–7
magnetostratigraphy, A8:52–53
nannofossil biostratigraphy, A4:12; A5:12; A7:13
radiolarian biostratigraphy, A6:21
See also Campanian–middle Eocene sequence
Eocene, upper
foraminiferal biostratigraphy, A4:13
lithologic units, A6:5
magnetostratigraphy, A6:24; A7:19
nannofossil biostratigraphy, A7:12–13
Eocene/Oligocene boundary
foraminiferal biostratigraphy, A4:13; A6:17
nannofossil biostratigraphy, A6:13
stratigraphy, A1:17
Equatorial Atlantic Gateway, opening, A1:13–14
erosion, stress, B15:11–13
erosional surfaces
A Horizon, B1:5
geologic history, A1:4
upper Miocene, B1:10–11
sediments, A4:24, 105; A5:26, 112–113; A6:103; A7:26, 105–106; A8:95
See also methane/ethane ratio
ethylcholestane, biomarkers, A10:6
euxinic conditions, biomarkers, A10:7
evolution events, oceanic anoxic events, A1:62
excursion taxa, nannofossils, B1:10
extension, geologic history, A1:3–4
extinction events, Cenomanian/Turonian boundary, A1:7
F Hiatus, late Albian, A7:24
lithologic units, A6:10; A8:6
photograph, A4:43; A5:49
fabric, wavy, photograph, A4:46
far velocity logs, vs. depth, A4:69–70; A5:79–81
farnesane, biomarkers, A10:5–6
paleomagnetism, A5:19
seismic units, A3:4
fecal pellets
cyclostratigraphy, B2:13
lithologic units, A5:8–9
photograph, A7:47
photomicrograph, A5:50
transmission light microscope photograph, B2:29, 31
feldspar, photograph, A5:49
fish debris
foraminiferal biostratigraphy, A4:15
lithologic units, A5:8–9; A6:9
photograph, A4:45; A5:53; A7:47
photomicrograph, A5:50
transmission light microscope photograph, B2:29
fish vertebrae, photograph, A5:54
fluid flow, permeability, B15:13–14
folds, recumbent, photograph, A8:43
Cenomanian/Turonian boundary, A1:7
cleaning, B6:6–9, 20–23
lithologic units, A4:5–7; A5:4–7; A6:6–8; A7:5–11; A8:5–8
mid-Cretaceous, B2:5
photograph, A8:43
preservation, B6:3
scanning electron microscope photograph, B9:19
stable isotopes, B6:1–23
foraminifers, benthic, Cenozoic, A1:64
foraminifers, planktonic
biostratigraphy, A4:13–16; A5:14–17; A6:15–20; A7:13–17; A8:14–18
Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary, B1:9–10
datums, A4:83, 97–98; A5:92, 102–103; A6:84, 96; A7:87, 97–98; A8:82
distribution, A4:82, 86–90; A5:91, 95–97; A6:83, 87–90; A7:86, 90; A8:81, 84
mid-Cretaceous, B2:4–9
photomicrograph, A5:50
transmission light microscope photograph, B2:29–31
zonation, A4:48; A5:45, 55–56; A6:52; A7:50; A8:49–50
Formation MicroScanner imagery logs, vs. depth, A4:67, 72; A5:77, 79–81; A7:70, 72, 74–77; A8:67, 69, 72–73; B14:11–12
francolite, lithologic units, A5:8; A6:9
French Guyana, geologic history, A1:3–4
gamma ray logs
peaks, A4:33–34
vs. depth, A4:68–72, 74; A5:75, 78–81; A7:71–73, 75–77; A8:68–73; B14:11, 14, 16–17, 19–22
gamma rays
composite depth, A5:21–22; A6:25–26; A7:22–23; A8:22
sediments, A6:34–35; A7:32
upper Paleocene, A4:53
vs. depth, A4:53, 63–65; A5:61, 63, 72–74; A6:74–75; A7:67–68; A8:65
gas hydrates
preservation, A5:26
well logging, A5:38
gases, headspace
geochemistry, A6:29–30, 103
sediments, A4:105; A5:112–114; A9:3–6
gases, interstitial
composition, A7:26
geochemistry, A6:29–30; A8:25–26
sediments, A5:25–26
gases, microbial, black shale, A9:1–15
gastropods, lithologic units, A6:9
gateways, opening, A1:13–14
geochemistry, inorganic
lithologic units, B8:1–37
Site 1257, A4:24–27
Site 1258, A5:26–30
Site 1259, A6:31–32
Site 1260, A7:26–30
Site 1261, A8:26–29
geochemistry, organic
Demerara Rise, A1:45–46
Site 1257, A4:22–24
Site 1258, A5:24–26
Site 1259, A6:28–30
Site 1260, A7:25–26
Site 1261, A8:24–26
geochemistry, sediments, A1:21–22; B9:1–23
geophysics, underway, Demerara Rise, A3:1–8
lithologic units, A4:8; A6:9; A7:4
nannofossil biostratigraphy, A6:14
photograph, A5:49; A6:48; A7:47; A8:46
photomicrograph, A5:50; A7:49
global warming, Paleocene/Eocene Thermal Maximum, B1:10
sediments, B12:4
vs. phospholipids, B12:9
goethite, artifacts in minicores, B3:4–5
grabens, seismic units, A3:4
graded bedding, photograph, A5:52
gravity-flow deposits
lithologic units, A4:5–9
photograph, A4:41, 44; A5:49
greenhouse effect, biotic turnover, A1:6–8
greenhouse forcing, oxygen isotopes, A1:8–11
Guinea Fracture Zone, morphologic map, B1:17
Guinea Plateau
geologic history, A1:3–4
morphologic map, B1:17
halos, photograph, A6:44
heat transport, gateway opening, A1:13–14
heavy minerals, scatter plots, B8:20
helioliths, nannofossil biostratigraphy, A6:14
chronostratigraphy, B1:11
Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary, A4:28–29; A7:24
late Albian–early Campanian sequence, B1:5–6
sedimentation rates, A6:27; A8:23
sediments, A4:7, 22; A5:23–24
vs. age, A1:65
See also A Hiatus; B Hiatus; C Hiatus; D Hiatus; E Hiatus; F Hiatus
homohopane index, thermal maturity, A10:11
biomarkers, A10:6–7
paleoenvironment, A10:10
hopanoid thiophene, biomarkers, A10:7
hopanoids, chromatograms, A10:18
hopenes, biomarkers, A10:6–7
horsts, seismic units, A3:4
hydraulic conductivity
sediments, B15:27–29
vs. void ratio, B15:23–26
biomarkers, A10:5–8
black shale, A9:1–15
sediments, A5:114
hydrogen index
organic matter sources, A7:26
sediments, A4:23, 104; A5:111; A7:104; A8:94
vs. oxygen index, A4:55; A5:65; A6:63; A7:59; A8:56
vs. temperature, A1:77
hydrogen sulfide, black shale, A4:24–26
vs. depth, A4:76–77; A5:84–85; A6:76; A7:78; A8:75
vs. two-way traveltime, A6:77
index properties, discrete samples, A4:107–109; A5:116; A7:108–111; A8:97–100
Cenomanian/Turonian boundary, A1:7
lithologic units, A4:10
intermediate water, temperature, A1:10
ion density, lipids, B12:8–9
iridium, Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary, B1:23
bioreactors, A7:27–29
black shale, A5:27–28
organic matter, A8:27–28
pore water, A6:30–32
sediments, B9:1–23; B10:6–7
vs. depth, A1:79; A4:58; A5:68; A6:67; A7:63; A8:59; B9:14–15, 17–18; B10:12
iron, reactive, sediments, B9:5–7
iron, sedimentary, species, B9:5
iron carbonates, reactive iron, B9:5–7
iron isotopes
mid-Cretaceous organic-rich intervals, B1:9; B10:1–14
vs. depth, B10:12
iron oxides, reactive iron, B9:5–7
iron sulfides
lithologic units, A4:5
reactive iron, B9:5–7
isoprenoids, biomarkers, A10:5–6
isorenieratane, biomarkers, A10:7
isorenieratene, biomarkers, A10:7
JOIDES Resolution, site survey, A3:2–3
Jurassic, Upper, geologic history, A1:4
lithologic units, A6:9
Type IV, A4:23
kerogen Type III, sediments, A7:26
La Luna Formation
geologic history, A1:4
mid-Cretaceous, B2:3
lithologic units, A4:8–11; A5:8–9; A6:8–9; A7:7; A8:8–9
mid-Cretaceous, B2:3, 6–12
photograph, A4:45–46
laminations, micritic, transmission light microscope photograph, B2:29
nannofossil biostratigraphy, A6:13–14; A8:12–13
upper Paleocene, A1:25
lithologic units, A4:7–8; A5:8–10; A6:8–9; A7:9–10; A8:6–8
photograph, A4:46; A6:49; A7:48; A8:45
limestone, clayey, lithologic units, A7:10; A8:8–9
limestone, nodular, mid-Cretaceous, B2:7
lipids, intact membrane, black shale, B12:1–11
lipids, intact polar
black shale, B12:1–11
structure, B12:7–9
lipids, phosphatidylcholine, bacteria, B12:4
black shale, A4:26
brine aquifers, A8:28–29
pore water, A8:28
vs. chloride, A4:59
vs. depth, A4:58; A5:68; A6:67; A7:63; A8:59
lithium/chloride ratio
pore water, A6:32
vs. calcium/chloride ratio, A6:71
vs. depth, A6:68
lithologic units
inorganic geochemistry, B8:1–37
Site 1257, A4:5–11, 80
Site 1258, A5:4–9, 89
Site 1259, A6:41, 81
Site 1260, A7:43, 84
Site 1261, A8:4–9, 41–42, 79
sulfur-iron-carbon system, B9:4–5
Unit I, A4:5; A5:4–5; A6:4; A7:4; A8:4–6
Unit II, A4:5–6; A5:5–7; A6:5–6; A7:4–7; A8:6
Unit III, A4:7–8; A5:7–8; A6:6–8; A7:7–9; A8:6–8
Unit IV, A4:8–9; A5:8–9; A6:8–9; A7:9–10; A8:8–9
Unit V, A4:9; A5:9; A6:9; A7:10; A8:9
vs. depth, A4:39; A5:45
Cretaceous, A1:70
mid-Cretaceous, B2:5–8, 22
Paleogene, A1:68
vs. age, B15:19
Demerara Rise, A1:37–39
Site 1257, A4:4–11
Site 1258, A5:4–10
Site 1259, A6:4–10
Site 1260, A7:3–11
Site 1261, A8:3–10
vs. age, A1:65
Lutetian, magnetostratigraphy, A5:20
biomarkers, A10:5–6
chromatograms, A10:17
oxygen paleolevels, A10:11
sources, A10:9
foraminiferal biostratigraphy, A6:19; A8:17–18
lithologic units, A4:8; A5:5–7; A8:7–8
magnetostratigraphy, A7:21; A8:21; B3:8
nannofossil biostratigraphy, A5:13; A6:14; A7:13; A8:13
photograph, A5:46
radiolarian biostratigraphy, A8:19
stable isotopes, B7:1–9
See also Campanian–Maastrichtian sequence; Cenomanian–Maastrichtian sequence
Maastrichtian, lower, foraminiferal biostratigraphy, A4:15
Maastrichtian, middle, nannofossil biostratigraphy, A4:12
Maastrichtian, upper
foraminiferal biostratigraphy, A5:17
lithologic units, A6:8
Maastrichtian–Danian sequence, vs. age, A1:71
bioreactors, A7:28
black shale, A4:25
organic matter, A8:27–28
pore water, A6:31
vs. depth, A4:58; A5:68; A6:67; A7:63; A8:59
vs. strontium, A4:59
magnesium/aluminum ratio, lithologic units, B8:23
magnesium/chloride ratio
pore water, A6:31
vs. depth, A6:68; A8:60
vs. potassium/chloride ratio, A6:70; A8:61
magnesium oxide
lithologic units, B8:9
vs. total inorganic carbon, B8:22
magnetic behavior, hook-type, sediments, B3:25
magnetic declination, magnetic polarity, B3:5–7
magnetic inclination
sediments, A4:17–19; A5:57; A6:53; A7:51; A8:51
vs. depth, A4:49
magnetic intensity
sediments, A4:17–19; A5:57; A6:53; A7:51; A8:51
vs. depth, A4:49
magnetic oxides, dissolution, A7:19
magnetic polarity
Campanian–Eocene sequence, B3:1–48
magnetic declination, B3:5–7
magnetostratigraphy, A5:20–21; A6:23–25
sediments, A5:57; A6:53–55; A7:19; A8:51–53
vs. depth, A4:49; A7:52–53
magnetic susceptibility
Campanian–Maastrichtian sequence, A1:75
composite depth, A4:20; A5:21; A8:22
composite section, A6:25–26
Paleocene–lower Eocene sequence, A1:74
sediments, A6:34–35, 53; A7:51
upper Paleocene, A4:52
vs. depth, A1:73; A4:51–52, 63–65; A5:60, 62, 72–74; A6:56–57, 59, 74–75; A7:55, 57, 67–68; A8:65; B14:6–8
magnetometers, cryogenic, data, A4:91; A5:98; A7:91
magnetostratigraphic datums, sedimentation rates, A4:99; A5:104; A6:97; A7:99; A8:90
Albian, A7:52–53
Campanian–Eocene sequence, A6:54–55; B3:1–48
Campanian–Maastrichtian sequence, A5:21; A6:25
Campanian–middle Eocene sequence, A7:52–53; A8:52–53
Eocene, A4:50; A6:24
Eocene–Cretaceous sequence, A5:58–59
lower–middle Eocene, A5:20
Maastrichtian–Pliocene sequence, A8:21
Oligocene, A6:23
Oligocene/Miocene boundary, A6:23
Paleocene, A5:20–21; A6:24–25
sediments, A4:17–19
upper Miocene–lower Oligocene, A4:17–18
vs. depth, A4:50; A7:52–53
major elements, lithologic units, B8:29–32
bioreactors, A7:27–29
black shale, A5:27–28
lithologic units, B8:10
pore water, A6:30–31
vs. depth, A1:79; A4:58; A5:68; A6:67; A7:63; A8:59; B3:25–30
manganese/aluminum ratio, lithologic units, B8:23
manganese oxide, vs. total inorganic carbon, B8:22
marcasite, lithologic units, A6:8
marine environment, lithologic units, A5:9
mass accumulation rates
age vs. depth models, A1:72; A4:100; A5:22, 105; A6:98; A7:24, 100
black shale, A8:23–24
Cretaceous–Miocene sequence, A6:27–28
cyclostratigraphy, B2:12
Demerara Rise, A1:43–44
middle Eocene–Paleocene sequence, A6:62
sediments, A8:91
stress, B15:11–13
See also sedimentation rates
Meteor 49-4, site survey, A3:2
anaerobic oxidation, B1:8–9; B9:4–5
chlorinity, A7:30
genesis, A9:6–8
geochemistry, A6:29–30
headspace gases and microbial gas, A6:64
sediments, A4:24, 105; A5:25–26, 112–113; A6:103; A7:26, 105–106; A8:95
vs. carbon dioxide, A9:17
vs. depth, A4:56; A5:66; A6:64; A7:60; A8:57; A9:12–16; B1:22; B9:14–15
vs. organic carbon, A9:7–8
vs. total organic carbon, A6:65; A7:61; A9:18
methane/ethane ratio
geochemistry, A8:26
sediments, A4:24, 105; A5:112–113; A6:103; A7:26, 105–106; A8:95
vs. depth, A9:12–16
methylcholestane, biomarkers, A10:6
microbial activity
black shale, A5:27–29
organic matter, A8:26–28
sediments, A5:112–113; A7:105–106; A8:95
microbiology, black shale, B1:11–12; B13:1–6
mid-Cenomanian Event
anoxic conditions, B1:6
stratigraphy, A1:21
mineralogy, remanent magnetization, B3:5
A Hiatus, A5:24
B Hiatus, A5:24
foraminiferal biostratigraphy, A8:14–16
geologic history, A1:4
photograph, A8:43
radiolarian biostratigraphy, A5:18
See also Cretaceous–Miocene sequence; Oligocene/Miocene boundary
Miocene, lower
lithologic units, A6:5–6
magnetostratigraphy, A6:23
nannofossil biostratigraphy, A6:12; A8:12
radiolarian biostratigraphy, A6:21
Miocene, middle
foraminiferal biostratigraphy, A4:13; A5:15
lithologic units, A5:4–5; A6:4
nannofossil biostratigraphy, A5:12
Miocene, upper
erosional events, B1:10–11
foraminiferal biostratigraphy, A4:13
lithologic units, A8:4–6
magnetostratigraphy, A4:17–18; A8:20–21
nannofossil biostratigraphy, A4:12; A8:11
radiolarian biostratigraphy, A8:19
Miocene/Pliocene boundary, foraminiferal biostratigraphy, A8:15
molybdenum/aluminum ratio, lithologic units, B8:25
Morocco, mid-Cretaceous, B2:3
lithologic units, A4:5–8; A5:4–8; A6:5–8; A7:5–6, 10; A8:7–9
photograph, A4:40, 43; A6:42–45; A7:46
mudstone, organic-rich, cleaning, B6:6–9
biomarkers, A10:5–6
chromatograms, A10:17–18
sources, A10:8–9
n-alkyls, biomarkers, A10:5–6
nannoconids, Aptian, A1:7
excursion taxa, B1:10
lithologic units, A4:5–9; A5:5–8; A7:5–11; A8:4–9
Paleocene/Eocene Thermal Maximum, B1:10
nannofossils, calcareous
biostratigraphy, A4:11–13; A5:12–14; A6:12–14; A7:12–13; A8:11–14
datums, A4:81, 97–98; A5:90, 93–94, 102–103; A6:82, 86, 96; A8:80, 83
distribution, A4:84–85
zonation, A4:48; A5:45, 55–56; A6:52; A7:50; A8:49–50
nannoliths, nannofossil biostratigraphy, A6:15
Naparima Hill Formation, geologic history, A1:4
near velocity logs, vs. depth, A4:69–70; A5:79–81
Neocomian, geologic history, A1:4
sedimentation rates, A1:44
See also Cretaceous–Neogene sequence
Neogene, upper, lithologic units, A4:5
Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary, B1:23
lithologic units, B8:10
nickel/aluminum ratio, lithologic units, B8:25
sediments, A6:99–101
See also carbon/nitrogen ratio
nitrogen, total
Albian–Santonian sequence, B11:1–13
sediments, A4:101–103; A5:106–110; A7:101–103; A8:92–93
nitrogen isotopes
decarbonated vs. bulk samples, oxygen isotopes, B11:3, 8, 11
organic carbon, B11:4
vs. total organic carbon, B11:10
nodules, lithologic units, A7:9; A8:7–9
nodules, carbonate
lithologic units, A4:9
transmission light microscope photograph, B2:31
nodules, chert, lithologic units, A4:9
nodules, phosphatic
lithologic units, A4:9; A5:8–9; A6:9
photograph, A4:45; A5:49, 51; A6:49
obliquity, cyclostratigraphy, B2:8–9
ocean circulation, gateway opening, A1:13–14
Oceanic Anoxic Event 1b, sedimentation, A1:4
Oceanic Anoxic Event 1b–1d, Albian, A1:4
Oceanic Anoxic Event 2
carbon isotopes, B1:21
Cenomanian/Turonian boundary, A1:5; B1:6–7; B2:6–12
transmission light microscope photograph, B2:31
Oceanic Anoxic Event 3, upper Coniacian, A1:4
oceanic anoxic events
Albian, A10:7
critical events, A1:25–26
mid-Cretaceous, A1:62
organic carbon, A1:4–6
stratigraphy, A1:17
foraminiferal biostratigraphy, A5:15; A6:16–17
geologic history, A1:4
magnetostratigraphy, A6:23
nannofossil biostratigraphy, A6:12
See also Eocene/Oligocene boundary
Oligocene, lower
diatoms, B5:1–5
foraminiferal biostratigraphy, A4:13
lithologic units, A4:5–7; A5:4–5; A6:4; A7:4–5
magnetostratigraphy, A4:17–18; A7:19
nannofossil biostratigraphy, A4:12; A7:12
radiolarian biostratigraphy, A4:16
Oligocene, middle, foraminiferal biostratigraphy, A7:14
Oligocene/Miocene boundary
lithologic units, A6:5
magnetostratigraphy, A6:23
ooze, clayey nannofossil, lithologic units, A8:4–6
ooze, foraminifer, lithologic units, A7:5
ooze, foraminifer nannofossil, lithologic units, A6:4
ooze, nannofossil, lithologic units, A4:5–6; A5:4–5; A7:5; A8:4–6
nannofossil biostratigraphy, A6:13–14; A8:12–13
upper Paleocene, A1:24–25
orbital cycles, cyclostratigraphy, B2:11
organic matter
biomarkers, A10:19–22
black shale, A6:28–29
consumption, A8:26–28
diagenesis, A1:21–22; A4:26–27
intact membrane lipids, B12:1–11
lithologic units, A4:9; A5:8–10, 24–25; A6:8–9; A7:9–10; B8:4–11; B9:1–23
maturity, A10:7–8
methanogenesis, A9:6–8
microbial activity, A8:26–28
mid-Cretaceous, B2:3–5
oxygen isotopes, B11:1–13
photograph, A6:49–50; A7:47; A8:47
photomicrograph, A5:50
sources, A4:23; A6:28–29; A7:25–26; A8:24–25; A10:8–9
transmission light microscope photograph, B2:29
See also clay/organic matter intervals
organic-rich intervals
cleaning, B6:6–9, 20–23
Cretaceous–Paleogene depth transect, B1:1–26
iron isotopes, B10:1–14
mid-Cretaceous, B2:5
overconsolidation ratio, sediments, B15:20
overprinting, magnetic polarity, B3:5–7
oxidation, anaerobic, methane, B1:8–9; B9:4–5
oxygen depletion, black shale, A4:25
oxygen index
iron isotopes, B10:8
sediments, A4:23, 104; A5:111; A7:104; A8:94
vs. depth, B10:12
vs. hydrogen index, A4:55; A5:65; A6:63; A7:59; A8:56
oxygen isotopes
Albian–Santonian sequence, B11:1–13
Campanian–Maastrichtian sequence, B7:3
carbonate carbon, B11:4–5
Cretaceous, B6:13
greenhouse forcing, A1:8–11
lower–middle Eocene, B1:25
paleoclimatology, B1:4–12
Paleogene, B6:11–12
planktonic foraminifers, B6:3–4
vs. age, A1:63; B7:7
vs. carbon isotopes, B6:19
vs. depth, B7:6
oxygen minimum zone
Cenomanian/Turonian boundary, A1:7
cyclostratigraphy, B2:15
lithologic units, B9:8
oxygen paleolevels, lycopane, A10:11
oxygenation, lithologic units, A4:10; A5:9; A8:9–10
oysters, lithologic units, A8:9
mid-Cretaceous, B2:6–7
paleoclimatology, B2:11
packstone, foraminiferal
cyclostratigraphy, B2:9–17
transmission light microscope photograph, B2:29–31
packstone, glauconitic/phosphatic, mid-Cretaceous, B2:7
Cretaceous–Paleogene depth transect, B1:1–26
gateway opening, A1:13–14
late Albian–early Campanian sequence, B1:5–6
composite record, A4:20–21
foraminiferal biostratigraphy, A4:14–15; A5:16; A7:14; A8:17
lithologic units, A4:7–8; A5:5–7; A8:6–7
magnetostratigraphic correlation, B3:14–15
magnetostratigraphy, A5:20–21; A6:24–25; A7:21; A8:21; B3:10–13
nannofossil biostratigraphy, A5:13
sedimentation rates, A8:23
See also Albian–Eocene sequence; Campanian–Eocene sequence; Campanian–middle Eocene sequence; Cretaceous–Eocene sequence; Cretaceous–Miocene sequence; Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary
Paleocene, lower, C Hiatus, A5:24
Paleocene, upper
diatoms, B5:1–5
gamma rays, A4:53
lithologic units, A6:7; A7:7–9
magnetic susceptibility, A4:52
magnetostratigraphy, A4:19; B3:8–9
nannofossil biostratigraphy, A4:12; A7:13
Paleocene/Eocene boundary
biostratigraphy, A1:40–41
critical events, A1:11–12, 25–26, 30–31, 35
foraminiferal biostratigraphy, A4:14; A5:16; A6:18; A7:16; A8:17
gamma rays, A5:32
lithologic units, A4:5, 7, 10; A5:10; A6:5–6; A7:5–7; A8:6
lithostratigraphy, A1:37–38
magnetic polarity, B3:6
magnetostratigraphy, A6:24
nannofossil biostratigraphy, A5:13; A6:14; A7:13
photograph, A5:46; A6:42–43; A7:45; A8:45
stratigraphy, A1:17, 20–21
Paleocene–Eocene sequence, mass accumulation rates, A6:62
Paleocene/Eocene Thermal Maximum
carbon isotopes, B1:24
critical events, A1:11–12
foraminiferal biostratigraphy, A6:19
global warming, B1:10
lithologic units, A5:6; A8:10
photograph, A5:46
well-logs, A5:77–78
Paleocene–lower Eocene sequence, magnetic susceptibility, A1:74
biotic turnover, A1:6–8
Campanian–Maastrichtian sequence, B7:3
Cenozoic, A1:64
Cretaceous, A1:8–11
Cretaceous–Paleogene depth transect, B1:1–26
mid-Cenomanian Event, B1:6–7
oxygen isotopes, B1:4–12
packstone, B2:11
paleoenvironment, black shale, A10:9
biostratigraphy, A1:67
critical events, A1:11–13
intact membrane lipids, B12:1–11
lithology, A1:68
stable isotopes, B6:3–4
stratigraphy, A1:1–89
See also Cretaceous–Paleogene depth transect; Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary
upper Albian, B2:21
Upper Cretaceous, A1:60
paleolatitude, minicores, B3:7
Demerara Rise, A1:42–43
Site 1257, A4:16–19
Site 1258, A5:18–21; B3:36–37
Site 1259, A6:22–25; B3:38–39
Site 1260, A7:18–21; B3:40–45
Site 1261, A8:19–21; B3:47–48
paleoredox, biomarkers, A10:12
paleothermometry, greenhouse forcing, A1:8–11
pelagic intervals, mid-Cretaceous, B2:6
pelecypod fragments, photomicrograph, A5:50
fluid flow, B15:13–14
sediments, B15:1–35
biomarkers, A10:7
paleoenvironment, A10:10
phosphate lenses, photograph, A4:45
phosphate stringers, photograph, A7:47
phosphatidylmethylethanolamine, sediments, B12:4
sediments, B12:4
vs. glycolipids, B12:9
phosphorus, lithologic units, B8:10
photoautotrophic green sulfur bacteria, biomarkers, A10:7
photoelectric effect logs
carbonate content, A5:83
lithology, A5:38
vs. depth, A4:72; A5:79–81, 83; A7:71–72, 75–77; A8:69, 72–73
physical properties
Demerara Rise, A1:47–48
Site 1257, A4:27–29
Site 1258, A5:30–33
Site 1259, A6:33–36
Site 1260, A7:30–32
Site 1261, A8:29–31
biomarkers, A10:5–6
chromatograms, A10:17–18
Planolites, lithologic units, A5:6; A6:5–7; A7:5–9; A8:5–8
A Hiatus, A5:24
foraminiferal biostratigraphy, A5:14–15; A6:16; A7:13–14; A8:14–15
lithologic units, A7:4; A8:4–6
nannofossil biostratigraphy, A7:12
A Hiatus, A5:24
foraminiferal biostratigraphy, A8:14–15
lithologic units, A8:4–6
magnetostratigraphy, A8:20–21
See also Miocene/Pliocene boundary
Pliocene, lower–middle, nannofossil biostratigraphy, A8:11
porcellanite, photograph, A8:45
pore pressure, permeability, B15:15
pore water
geochemistry, A1:17, 26–27, 31, 35, 46–47; A4:24–27, 106; A5:26–27, 115; A6:104; A7:107; A8:26–28, 96
sulfur-iron-carbon system, B9:4–5
discrete samples, A6:105–108; A7:108–111
sediments, A5:31; A6:33–34; A7:30–31; A8:29–30
vs. depth, A1:80; A4:60; A5:70; A6:72; A7:65; A8:63
See also void ratio
porosity logs, vs. depth, A4:68–70, 72; A5:79–81; A7:71–72, 75–77; A8:68–69, 72–73
black shale, A4:26
pore water, A6:31
vs. depth, A4:57; A5:67; A6:66; A7:62; A8:58
potassium/chloride ratio
pore water, A6:31
vs. depth, A6:68; A8:60
vs. magnesium/chloride ratio, A6:70; A8:61
potassium logs, vs. depth, A4:71, 74; A5:75; A7:73; A8:70
precession, cyclostratigraphy, B2:8–17
foraminiferal biostratigraphy, A4:15
foraminifers, B6:3
paleoenvironment, A10:10–12, 20
Priabonian, magnetostratigraphy, A6:24; A7:19
biomarkers, A10:5–6
chromatograms, A10:17–18
lithologic units, A5:9
paleoclimatology, B1:7–8
biomarkers, A10:6–7
black shale, B13:2
intact membrane lipids, B12:3
propane, sediments, A4:105; A5:26, 112–113; A7:105–106; A8:95
proteobacterial isolates, lipids, B12:4
black shale, A4:24–26
lithologic units, A4:8; A6:8; A7:4–11; A8:6–7; B8:9
photograph, A4:47; A6:47; A7:46
pyrite, framboidal, scanning electron microscope photograph, B9:19
pyrite saturation line, lithologic units, B8:9
lithologic units, B8:24
reactive iron, B9:5–7
pyrolysis, Rock-Eval, sediments, A4:104; A5:111; A6:102; A7:104; A8:94
lithologic units, A4:9; A7:4–11
photograph, A5:49
vs. depth, A4:72
quartz grains, foraminiferal biostratigraphy, A8:18
quartz logs, vs. depth, A5:79–81; A7:71–72, 75–77; A8:69, 72–73
Quaternary, upper, nannofossil biostratigraphy, A8:11
biostratigraphy, A4:16; A5:18; A6:21; A7:17–18; A8:19
Cenomanian/Turonian boundary, A1:7
datums, A6:85; A7:88
lithologic units, A6:6–9; A7:5–11
mid-Cretaceous, B2:8
photograph, A5:49
zonation, A4:48; A5:55–56; A6:52; A7:50; A8:49–50
rare earths, lithologic units, B8:7–8, 21, 37
carbonates, A7:29
foraminiferal biostratigraphy, A4:15
redox. See paleoredox; reduction
redox boundary, lithologic units, A4:6; A7:4; A8:5–9
black shale, A4:24–26
lithologic units, B8:10; B9:8
organic matter, A8:26–28
cyclostratigraphy, B2:8–10
vs. depth, A7:54
reflection coefficient, vs. depth, A4:76; A5:84; A6:76; A7:79; A8:75
reflection events, tectonics, B1:4–5
remanent magnetization, isothermal, iron minerals, B3:5, 23
remanent magnetization, natural
rock magnetics, B3:4
sediments, A5:57
vs. depth, A4:49
composite depth, A4:20; A5:21–22
composite section, A6:25–26
correlation, A5:33
vs. depth, A4:63–65; A5:72–74
resistivity logs, vs. depth, A4:68–70, 72; A5:79–81; A7:72; A8:68–69, 72–73; B14:11
ribonucleic acids, microbiology, B13:1–6
rifting, geologic history, A1:3–4
rock magnetics, natural remanent magnetization, B3:4
Rupelian, magnetostratigraphy, A7:19
pore water, A5:30
vs. depth, A4:57; A5:67; A6:66; A7:62; A8:58
salinity, low, anomalies, A5:30; A7:29–30
sand, cemented foraminifer, photograph, A7:48
sand, foraminifer, cyclostratigraphy, B2:9
sand, foraminifer calcite-cemented, photomicrograph, A7:49
sandstone, quartz
lithologic units, A6:9; A8:9
photograph, A8:48
foraminiferal biostratigraphy, A6:20; A8:18
lithologic units, A4:8–9; A6:8–9; A8:8–9
sedimentation rates, A8:23
See also Albian–Santonian sequence; Aptian–Santonian sequence; Coniacian/Santonian boundary; Coniacian–Santonian sequence
Santonian–Cenomanian sequence, black shale, A4:24–26
sediment/water interface, black shale, A4:26
sediment contacts
lithologic units, A5:7–8
photograph, A4:40, 44
sedimentation rates
biostratigraphic datums, A8:89
black shale, A10:12
Campanian–Maastrichtian sequence, A8:90
cyclostratigraphy, B2:8–10
Demerara Rise, A1:43–44
hiatuses, A6:27; A8:23
Maastrichtian–Campanian sequence, A1:20
magnetostratigraphic datums, A8:90
Neogene, A1:44
Site 1257, A4:21–22
Site 1258, A5:23–24
Site 1259, A6:27–28
Site 1260, A7:23–24
Site 1261, A8:22–24
See also mass accumulation rates
sedimentation rates, linear
age vs. depth models, A1:72; A4:100; A5:23, 105; A6:98; A7:100
Cretaceous black shale, A1:43
sediments, A8:91
compressibility, B15:1–35
geochemistry, B9:1–23
major components, B8:16–17, 26
mid-Cretaceous, B2:1–31
sediments, glauconitic, photograph, A5:48
sediments, laminated, photograph, A5:48
sediments, pelagic
geologic history, A1:3–4
photograph, A4:43
sediments, quartz-rich, photomicrograph, A5:50
seismic cruise tracks, map, A3:5
seismic profile C2211, reflection horizons, A3:7
seismic profile GeoB219–GeoB220, reflection horizons, A3:8
seismic profiles
A Horizon, B1:26
Demerara Rise, A3:7–8; B1:18–20; B15:22
Site 1257, A1:83; A4:38
Site 1258, A1:84; A5:42–44
Site 1259, A1:85; A6:39–40
Site 1260, A1:86; A7:40–42
Site 1261, A1:87; A8:39–40
seismic reflection, multichannel, site survey, A3:1–8
seismic stratigraphy
Demerara Rise, A1:48–49; A3:3–4
seismic lines, A1:61
seismic surveys, frequency vs. power spectral density, A3:6
seismic Unit 1, reflection, A3:4
seismic Unit 2, reflection, A3:4
seismic Unit 3, reflection, A3:3–4
seismic Unit 4, reflection, A3:3
seismic units, A3:3–4
seismograms, synthetic
reflectors, A4:34–35; A5:39, 85
sediments, A6:36
vs. two-way traveltime, A4:77; A7:37–38, 80; A8:76
"Selli Event," Oceanic Anoxic Event 2, A1:5
Serravallian, magnetostratigraphy, A8:21
shell fragments
lithologic units, A4:9
photograph, A5:49, 52
shell lags, photograph, A5:54
black shale, A4:26; A5:29
diagenesis, A7:29
lithologic units, B8:4–7
pore water, A5:26; A6:32; A8:28
vs. depth, A4:58; A5:68; A6:67; A7:63; A8:59
vs. titanium oxide, B8:20
vs. zirconium, B8:20
siliceous microfossils, lithologic units, A4:6–7; A6:10
silicoflagellates, occurrence, B4:1–11
siltstone, calcareous
lithologic units, A6:8–9
photograph, A6:51
siltstone, clayey carbonate, lithologic units, A4:9
siltstone, geologic history, A1:4
Site 1257, A4:1–111
background and objectives, A4:1–2
biostratigraphy, A4:11–16
carbonate content and organic carbon, A9:3–4
composite depth, A4:20–21
coring summary, A4:78–79
Cretaceous black shale, A10:1–22
critical events, A1:17
depositional history, A1:18
diatoms, B5:1–5
downhole logging, A4:29–35
inorganic geochemistry, A4:24–27
intact membrane lipids, B12:1–11
lithologic units, A4:80
lithostratigraphy, A4:4–11
magnetostratigraphy, B3:8–9
operations, A1:14–15; A4:2–4
organic geochemistry, A4:22–24
paleomagnetism, A4:16–19
physical properties, A4:27–29
physical properties and logging, A1:17–18
pore water geochemistry, A1:17
sedimentation rates, A4:21–22
seismic profiles, A1:83
seismic stratigraphy, A1:15
silicoflagellates, B4:1–11
site description, A4:1–111
splice tie points, A4:21, 96
stable isotopes, B6:1–23
stratigraphy, A1:16–17
stress and void ratio, B15:27
summary, A1:14–18
Site 1258, A5:1–117
background and objectives, A5:1–2
biostratigraphy, A5:10–18
carbonate content and organic carbon, A9:4
composite depth, A5:21–23, 100
coring summary, A5:86–88
Cretaceous black shale, A10:1–22
critical events, A1:20–21
depositional history, A1:22–23
diatoms, B5:1–5
downhole logging, A5:33–39; B14:6
geochemistry, A1:21–22
inorganic geochemistry, A5:26–30
intact membrane lipids, B12:1–11
lithostratigraphy, A5:4–10
magnetostratigraphy, B3:9–10
operations, A1:19; A5:2–4
organic geochemistry, A5:24–26
paleomagnetism, A5:18–21; B3:36–37
physical properties, A5:30–33
physical properties and logging, A1:22
sedimentation rates, A5:23–24
seismic profiles, A1:84
seismic stratigraphy, A1:19
silicoflagellates, B4:1–11
site description, A5:1–117
splice tie points, A5:22–23, 101
stable isotopes, B6:1–23
stratigraphy, A1:19–20
Site 1259, A6:1–110
background and objectives, A6:1–2
biostratigraphy, A6:11–21
carbonate content and organic carbon, A9:4–5
composite depth, A6:25–26, 94
coring summary, A6:78–80
critical events, A1:25–26
depositional history, A1:27–28
inorganic geochemistry, A6:31–32
lithostratigraphy, A6:4–10
magnetostratigraphy, B3:11–12
operations, A1:23; A6:3
organic geochemistry, A6:28–30
paleomagnetism, A6:22–25; B3:38–39
physical properties, A1:27; A6:33–36
pore water geochemistry, A1:26–27
sedimentation rates, A6:27–28
seismic profiles, A1:85; A6:39–40
seismic stratigraphy, A1:24
site description, A6:1–110
splice tie points, A6:26, 95
stratigraphy, A1:24–25
stress and void ratio, B15:28
Site 1260, A7:1–113
background and objectives, A7:1–2
biostratigraphy, A7:11–18
carbonate content and organic carbon, A9:5
composite depth, A7:21–23, 95
coring summary, A7:81–83
critical events, A1:30–31
depositional history, A1:32
downhole logging, A7:33–38; B14:6–7
inorganic geochemistry, A7:26–30
lithologic units, A7:84
lithostratigraphy, A7:3–11
magnetostratigraphy, B3:12
operations, A1:28; A7:2–3
organic geochemistry, A7:25–26
paleomagnetism, A7:18–21; B3:40–45
physical properties, A7:30–32
physical properties and logging, A1:31–32
pore water geochemistry, A1:31
sedimentation rates, A7:23–24
seismic profiles, A1:86; A7:40–42
seismic stratigraphy, A1:28–29
site description, A7:1–113
splice tie points, A7:23, 96
stable isotopes, B6:1–23
stratigraphy, A1:29–30
Site 1261, A8:1–103
A Horizon, B1:26
background and objectives, A8:1–2
biostratigraphy, A8:10–19
carbonate content and organic carbon, A9:5–6
composite depth, A8:22, 87
coring summary, A8:77–78
critical events, A1:35
depositional history, A1:36–37
downhole logging, A8:31–37; B14:7–8
inorganic geochemistry, A8:26–29
lithologic units, A8:79
lithostratigraphy, A8:3–10
magnetostratigraphy, B3:13
operations, A1:33; A8:2–3
organic geochemistry, A8:24–26
paleomagnetism, A8:19–21; B3:46–48
physical properties, A8:29–31
physical properties and logging, A1:36
pore water geochemistry, A1:35
sedimentation rates, A8:22–24
seismic profiles, A1:87; A8:39–40
seismic stratigraphy, A1:33–34
site description, A8:1–103
splice tie points, A8:22, 88
stratigraphy, A1:34–35
stress and void ratio, B15:29
lithologic units, A5:8
magnetostratigraphy, A7:19
sediments, A4:7–10
upper Miocene, B1:10–11
brine aquifers, A8:28–29
vs. depth, A4:57; A5:67; A6:66; A7:62; A8:58
sodium/chloride ratio
brines, A6:32
pore water, A5:30
vs. depth, A6:68; A8:60
sparite, mid-Cretaceous, B2:7
lithologic units, A6:7; A7:8
photograph, A7:45
splice tie points
composite section, B14:27–29
core log correlation, B14:24–25
Site 1257, A4:21, 96
Site 1258, A5:22–23, 101
Site 1259, A6:26, 95
Site 1260, A7:23, 96
Site 1261, A8:22, 88
stable isotopes
bulk carbonates, B7:1–9
Cenozoic, A1:64
foraminifers, B6:1–23
oceanic anoxic events, A1:62
steradienes, biomarkers, A10:6
biomarkers, A10:6
chromatograms, A10:18
sources, A10:9
biomarkers, A10:6
chromatograms, A10:18
erosion, B15:11–13
mass accumulation rates, B15:11–13
sediments, B15:1–27, 28, 29, 35
vs. void ratio, B15:23–26
stress, effective, vs. void ratio, B15:21
black shale, A5:29
brine aquifers, A8:28–29
diagenesis, A7:29
pore water, A6:32
vs. calcium, A8:62
vs. depth, A4:58; A5:68; A6:67; A7:63; A8:59
vs. magnesium, A4:59
vs. total inorganic carbon, B8:22
strontium/aluminum ratio, lithologic units, B8:23
strontium/chloride ratio, vs. depth, A6:68; A8:60
strontium isotopes, oceanic anoxic events, A1:5
submarine plateaus, deposition, A9:2
methanogenesis, A9:6–8
pore water, A6:30–32; A9:8
vs. ammonium, A6:69
vs. depth, A1:79; A4:57; A5:67; A6:66; A7:62; A8:58; B1:22; B9:14–15
sulfate depletion
bioreactors, A7:28
black shale, A4:25; A5:28
organic matter, A8:27
pore water, A6:31
sulfate reduction
black shale, A5:27–29
sulfur iron carbon system, B9:4–5
Sulfolobales, glycolipids, B12:4
lithologic units, B8:9
sediments, B9:1–23
thermal maturity, A10:11
vs. depth, B9:17–18
sulfur, organic
lithologic units, B9:7, 16
vs. total organic carbon, B9:20
sulfur, pyrite, vs. total organic carbon, B9:20–21
sulfur, sedimentary, species, B9:5
sulfur/carbon ratio, lithologic units, B9:7
Suriname margin, geology, A1:1–89
Tarfaya Basin, mid-Cretaceous, B2:3–17
tectonics, C Horizon, B1:4–12
perturbation, A4:34
vs. depth, A4:75
temperature, sea-surface, greenhouse forcing, A1:8–11
tempestites, photograph, A5:51–53
tepee structures
lithologic units, A6:9
photograph, A6:51
terrigenous detritus, lithologic units, B8:4–11, 18
terrigenous environment, black shale, A10:12–13
Tertiary. See Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary
textures, sediments, B2:5–8
thermal maturity, organic matter, A10:7–8, 20
thianes, biomarkers, A10:7
thorium logs, vs. depth, A4:71, 74; A5:75; A7:73; A8:70
tidal-flats deposits, photograph, A6:51
titanium oxide
lithologic units, B8:7
vs. aluminum oxide, B8:20
vs. silica, B8:20
trace elements, lithologic units, B8:33–36
trace metals, lithologic units, B8:9
trace metals/aluminum ratio, lithologic units, B8:25
traveltime, vs. depth, A1:82
Trinidad, geologic history, A1:4
cyclostratigraphy, B2:14
transmission light microscope photograph, B2:30
cyclostratigraphy, B2:12, 23–24, 26–27
foraminiferal biostratigraphy, A5:17; A6:20; A8:18
lithologic units, A5:8–9; A7:11
nannofossil biostratigraphy, A6:15; A7:13; A8:14
transmission light microscope photograph, B2:29
See also Cenomanian/Turonian boundary
biostratigraphy, A5:12–14
foraminiferal biostratigraphy, A6:17
gamma rays, A5:32
sedimentation rates, A6:27
sediments, A4:8
See also disconformities; erosional surfaces; hiatuses
unconformities, angular
geologic history, A1:4
lithologic units, A4:10
uranium/aluminum ratio, lithologic units, B8:25
uranium logs, vs. depth, A4:71, 74; A5:75; A7:73; A8:70
vanadium, lithologic units, B8:10
vanadium/aluminum ratio, lithologic units, B8:25
vs. depth, A1:80; A4:76–77; A5:84; A6:72–73, 76; A7:79; A8:75
See also compressional wave velocity
velocity, acoustic, sediments, A4:28; A5:31–32; A6:33–34; A7:31–32; A8:30
velocity anisotropy, vs. depth, A6:73
velocity logs
vs. depth, A4:68–70; A5:79–81; A7:71–72, 75–77; A8:68–69, 72–73
See also far velocity logs; near velocity logs
geologic history, A1:4
mid-Cretaceous, B2:3
void ratio
discrete samples, A6:105–108; A7:108–111
sediments, B15:27–29
vs. effective stress, B15:21
vs. hydraulic conductivity, B15:23–26
vs. stress, B15:23–26
See also porosity
wackestone, transmission light microscope photograph, B2:30
water content, discrete samples, A6:105–108; A7:108–111
weathering factor, vs. chemical index of alteration, B8:19
well-log stratigraphy, lithology, A4:30–33; A5:35–38; A7:34–37; A8:33–37
well-log Unit 1, lithology, A4:30–31; A5:35; A7:34–35; A8:33–34
well-log Unit 2, lithology, A4:31; A5:35–36; A7:35–36; A8:34
well-log Unit 3, lithology, A4:31–32; A5:36; A7:36; A8:34–35
well-log Unit 4, lithology, A4:32–33; A5:36–37; A7:36; A8:35–36
well-log units, lithology, A4:30–33; A5:35–37; A7:34–37; A8:33–37
summary, A4:66; A5:76; A7:69; A8:66
See also core-log correlation
well-logs, black shale, A4:72
Ypresian, magnetostratigraphy, A5:20
lithologic units, A4:5–9; A5:5–7; A6:10; A7:6–10; A8:6–7
transmission light microscope photograph, B2:30
zinc, lithologic units, B8:10
zinc/aluminum ratio, lithologic units, B8:25
lithologic units, B8:7
vs. aluminum oxide, B8:20
vs. silica, B8:20
lithologic units, A4:5–8; A5:5–7; A6:5–8; A7:5–9; A8:5–8
photograph, A4:43; A6:47; A7:46