(Apr 2003)
time (hr) |
1 | 0230 | Hole preparation complete, rig up wireline |
0515 | Run into hole with triple combo (HNGS-APS-HLDS-DIT-TAP) |
0630 | Uplog with triple combo at 900 ft/hr from total depth (345 mbsf) |
0800 | Lockable flapper valve problem—pumping |
1000 | Pull tools out of hole and rig down |
1200 | Rig up FMS-sonic |
1300 | Run into hole with FMS-sonic (SGT-DSI-GPIT-FMS) |
1400 | Cannot pass bridge at 159 mbsf |
1500 | Pull tools out of hole and wiper trip |
1830 | Run into hole with FMS-sonic (SGT-DSI-GPIT-FMS) |
2230 | Uplog with FMS-sonic at 500 ft/hr from bridge at 172 mbsf |
2250 | Pull tools out of hole and rig down |
2 | 0030 | End of logging operations |
Notes: Drillers total depth = 3073.9 mbrf, water depth = 2728 m, initial end of pipe = 85.0 mbsf, final end of pipe = 90.0 mbsf. HNGS = Hostile Environment Natural Gamma Ray Sonde, APS = Accelerator Porosity Sonde, HLDS = Hostile Environment Litho-Density Sonde, DIT = Dual Induction Tool, TAP = Temperature/Acceleration/Pressure tool, FMS = Formation MicroScanner, SGT = Scintillation Gamma Ray Tool, DSI = Dipole Sonic Imager tool, GPIT = General Purpose Inclinometry Tool.