The collected seismic data from Meteor Expedition M49/1 are of high quality, allowing excellent site selection for Leg 208 drilling locations. Correlation of seismic data with borehole data was accomplished by calculating synthetic seismograms using GRA density measurements of the cores and an averaged velocity model. This method allowed "simple" event modeling to assign ages to the seismic reflectors and to identify key horizons/boundaries like the E/O and the K/T boundaries or the Miocene Bolivina Acme, Elmo, and PETM horizons. Characteristics of these target horizons show similar properties at different sites, which indicates the regional distribution of each.

Sediment thickness of the study area increases from Angola Basin (~150 m) to the axis of Walvis Ridge (~450 m). Because of the changing deposition conditions, the Leg 208 study area is separated into three zones. Zone 1 is characterized by basement faulting that results in formation of a small basins at the beginning of Angola Basin. Basins are filled up with mostly undisturbed pelagic sediments, whereas younger sediments in these basins partly constitute debris flow or slump deposits. Zone 2 on the flank of the ridge is characterized by an increasing sediment thickness and an area with several smaller channel structures indicating bottom water currents. Zone 3, at the axis of the ridge, shows the most varying sedimentation pattern. Among some expanded Neogene and Quaternary sections with the largest sediment thickness of the study area, several erosive channels of variable width occur, suggesting strong bottom current activities.