Figure F28. Schematic illustration of possible dips of high-temperature crystal-plastic foliations in gabbroic rocks from Hole 1270B and peridotites from Holes 1270C and 1270D. Gabbroic rocks record dominantly negative magnetic inclinations, suggesting that these rocks are reversely magnetized, consistent with—but not required by—their position ~13–18 km east of the rift axis. Based on this assumption, rotation of crystal-plastic foliations around a vertical axis to reorient core so that remanent magnetizations have a constant azimuth yields foliation planes that dipped east at ~45° when the remanent magnetization vector pointed south. A. If both gabbroic rocks and peridotites are reversely magnetized, the crystal-plastic foliations in peridotites dipped west at ~45° when the remanent magnetization vector pointed south, at a 90° angle to the fabrics in gabbroic rocks. B. If, instead, both gabbroic rocks in Hole 1270B and peridotites in Holes 1270C and 1270D are normally magnetized, high-temperature crystal-plastic foliations in gabbroic rocks from Hole 1270B dipped east at ~45°, and mylonite zones in peridotites from Holes 1270C and 1270D dipped west at ~45°, when the remanent magnetization vector pointed north. C. It is assumed that the peridotites were magnetized later than the gabbroic rocks; gabbroic rocks are reversely magnetized and peridotites record normal polarity. With this assumption, crystal-plastic fabrics in Holes 1270B, 1270C, and 1270D were parallel and dipped ~45° to the east when the remanent magnetization vector in Hole 1270B pointed south and the remanent magnetization vector in Holes 1270C and 1270D pointed north.