Figure F44. Anhydrous major element compositions of hydrothermally altered peridotite samples from Sites 1268, 1270, 1271, 1272, and 1274 compared to anhydrous compositions of end-member minerals (speciation as for Fig. F23). Tick marks along the vector connecting olivine and pyroxene are for variations in normative orthopyroxene content, in terms of weight percent pyroxene/(pyroxene + olivine), assuming olivine Mg# = pyroxene Mg#. Partially serpentinized "dunites" from Site 1274 have ~5–13 wt% normative pyroxene. Five of six partially serpentinized harzburgites from Site 1274 have 26–29 wt% normative pyroxene, more than expected for highly depleted residual peridotites, and so may have undergone metasomatic increases in Si/(Mg + Fe) during alteration. Divergence of a Site 1274 fault gouge mud from the MgO + FeO + CaO to SiO2 mixing line is probably due mechanical mixing of gabbroic and ultramafic material in the fault gouge.