Figure F51. Close-up photographs of intrusion breccias from Hole 1268A showing progressive deformation. A. Undeformed breccia showing angular talc pseudomorphed clasts of harzburgite in pseudomorphed medium-grained gabbro with small rotated clasts of harzburgite (interval 209-1268A-13R-2 [Piece 4, 18–29 cm]). B. Moderately deformed pseudomorphed intrusion breccia (interval 209-1268A-13R-2 [Piece 10, 64–72 cm). C. Pseudomorphed ultramylonite to mylonite with recognizable enclaves of less deformed harzburgite and gabbro (interval 209-1268A-14R-3 [Piece 4, 20–31 cm]).