Figure F73. Close-up photographs showing examples of undeformed pyroxenite veins (PxV) that cut the crystal-plastic foliation in deformed harzburgites. True color image (dark) is matched by a negative image to highlight the pyroxenite veins. Serpentine-talc alteration veins (SAV) cut across the magmatic pyroxenite veins. An enlargement image of the top of the interval also shows a characteristic set of tapered tension gashes filled with serpentine that are orthogonal to the pyroxenite vein. This relationship may indicate that serpentinization of the surrounding olivine resulted in volumetric strains that progressively fractured the pyroxenite, which is more resistant to serpentinization. The serpentine-talc alteration veins are widest in the center of the pyroxenite and taper into the harzburgite (interval 209-1268A-16R-1, 13–60 cm).