Figure F93. Vector endpoint demagnetization diagrams from a set of discrete samples of different lithologies. A, B. AF demagnetization of talc-altered ultramafics with variable degrees of drilling-related overprint; (A) Sample 209-1268A-20R-2, 117 cm; (B) Sample 209-1268A-8R-1, 123 cm. C. Thermal demagnetization of ultramafic rock with high degree of talc alteration (Sample 209-1268A-10R-2, 87 cm). D, E. AF and thermal demagnetization of gabbroic samples; (D) Sample 209-1268A-77R-1, 18 cm; (E) Sample 209-1268A-28R-2, 51 cm. NRM = natural remanent magnetization. Solid circles are projections onto the horizontal plane and open circles are projections onto the vertical plane.