Table T1. Coring summary, Site 1268.
Hole 1268A
Latitude: 14°50.7552´N
Longitude: 45°4.6409´W
Time on site: 109.75 (0545 hr, 22 May–1930 hr, 26 May 2003)
Seafloor (drill pipe measurement from rig floor, mbrf): 3018.0
Distance between rig floor and sea level (m): 11.0
Water depth (drill pipe measurement from sea level, m): 3007.0
Total depth (drill pipe measurement from rig floor, mbrf): 3165.6
Total penetration (meters below seafloor, mbsf): 147.6
Total length of cored section (m): 147.6
Total core recovered (m): 78.69
Core recovery (%): 53.3
Total number of cores: 29
(May 2003)
Local time (hr)
Depth (mbsf)
Length (m)

1R 23 1115 0.0 14.0 14.0 0.80 5.7 WSTP @ 3016 m; AHC on
2R 23 1410 14.0 20.2 6.2 3.00 48.4
3R 23 1640 20.2 24.8 4.6 2.84 61.7
4R 23 1940 24.8 29.8 5.0 3.15 63.0
5R 23 2200 29.8 34.4 4.6 2.47 53.7
6R 23 2355 34.4 39.4 5.0 1.38 27.6
7R 24 0140 39.4 44.0 4.6 1.04 22.6
8R 24 0325 44.0 49.0 5.0 1.90 38.0
9R 24 0500 49.0 53.6 4.6 1.36 29.6
10R 24 0635 53.6 58.6 5.0 2.11 42.2
11R 24 0835 58.6 63.2 4.6 2.53 55.0
12R 24 1045 63.2 68.2 5.0 3.35 67.0
13R 24 1310 68.2 72.8 4.6 2.94 63.9
14R 24 1540 72.8 77.8 5.0 3.58 71.6
15R 24 1910 77.8 82.4 4.6 4.56 99.1
16R 24 2220 82.4 87.4 5.0 4.11 82.2
17R 25 0030 87.4 92.0 4.6 3.61 78.5
18R 25 0315 92.0 97.0 5.0 4.33 86.6
19R 25 0530 97.0 101.6 4.6 4.19 91.1
20R 25 0730 101.6 106.6 5.0 3.57 71.4
21R 25 0845 106.6 111.2 4.6 1.61 35.0
22R 25 1010 111.2 116.2 5.0 2.57 51.4
23R 25 1205 116.2 120.8 4.6 3.47 75.4
24R 25 1415 120.8 125.8 5.0 2.90 58.0
25R 25 1620 125.8 130.5 4.7 2.94 62.6
26R 25 1855 130.5 135.5 5.0 2.00 40.0
27R 25 2045 135.5 140.1 4.6 2.36 51.3
28R 25 2230 140.1 145.1 5.0 2.74 54.8
29R 26 0300 145.1 147.6 2.5 1.28 51.2

Cored totals: 147.6 78.69 53.3

Notes: WSTP = Water Sampling Temperature Probe. AHC = active heave compensation.