Table T10. Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility, Hole 1268A.
Core, section,
interval (cm)
Depth (mbsf)
Susceptibility (SI)
Total anisotropy
Dec (°)
Inc (°)
Dec (°)
Inc (°)
Dec (°)
Inc (°)

2R-2, 37 15.77 4C 1.04 x 10–1 0.00031 0.3488 319.5 35.3 0.3482 51.7 3.1 0.3030 146.1 54.6 5677.7 1.5 9999.9 1.151 1.149 1.002
3R-2, 4 21.67 1 6.77 x 10–4 0.00096 0.3403 88.1 49.6 0.3332 297.4 36.6 0.3265 196.1 14.8 41.8 27.4 24.9 1.042 1.021 1.021
4R-1, 16 24.96 5A 2.24 x 10–4 0.00195 0.3371 158.6 17.5 0.3346 63.4 16.0 0.3284 293.4 65.9 4.2 0.8 5.1 1.027 1.019 1.008
5R-2, 119 32.49 26A 1.65 x 10–3 0.00027 0.3367 170.8 59.5 0.3329 313.8 25.2 0.3304 51.6 16.1 109.6 97.9 42.8 1.019 1.008 1.011
6R-1, 49 34.89 10 4.92 x 10–4 0.00075 0.3506 54.2 35.2 0.3488 153.0 12.2 0.3006 259.1 52.1 1140.0 2.8 2058.5 1.166 1.160 1.005
8R-1, 123 45.23 26 2.93 x 10–4 0.00156 0.3377 68.3 6.9 0.3359 334.3 30.1 0.3264 170.0 58.9 12.2 0.7 18.7 1.035 1.029 1.005
10R-1, 94 54.54 16B 6.24 x 10–4 0.00067 0.3415 222.8 0.7 0.3330 313.7 54.8 0.3255 132.3 35.2 114.1 81.2 61.9 1.049 1.023 1.026
10R-2, 87 55.91 14 4.32 x 10–4 0.00076 0.3382 350.3 12.8 0.3336 84.0 15.7 0.3282 222.9 69.5 34.7 17.9 25.7 1.030 1.017 1.014
12R-1, 130 64.50 14 5.12 x 10–3 0.00075 0.3808 88.3 45.1 0.3466 344.8 13.0 0.2727 242.8 42.0 4303.8 1031.8 4810.1 1.396 1.271 1.099
12R-2, 40 65.10 7 5.47 x 10–4 0.00076 0.3422 359.8 42.1 0.3368 95.5 6.3 0.3210 192.4 47.2 168.3 25.2 216.4 1.066 1.049 1.016
13R-1, 77 68.97 6B 3.86 x 10–3 0.00043 0.3687 89.7 62.3 0.3510 333.3 13.1 0.2804 237.4 23.9 9339.4 838.5 9999.9 1.315 1.252 1.050
14R-2, 112 75.41 15 1.05 x 10–3 0.00047 0.3448 73.9 84.3 0.3314 231.1 5.2 0.3239 321.3 2.2 397.6 399.3 123.8 1.064 1.023 1.040
15R-4, 73 82.59 4 1.37 x 10–3 0.00057 0.3589 62.2 56.7 0.3524 205.3 27.7 0.2888 304.5 17.0 3674.0 64.3 6193.6 1.243 1.220 1.018
16R-3, 133 86.44 11 2.71 x 10–4 0.00187 0.3367 345.6 43.3 0.3322 100.6 24.1 0.3311 210.4 37.0 1.9 2.8 0.2 1.017 1.003 1.013
17R-1, 18 87.58 2 4.70 x 10–4 0.00122 0.3448 310.4 18.0 0.3376 184.4 61.0 0.3176 47.9 21.9 107.5 17.3 135.8 1.086 1.063 1.021
17R-1, 69 88.09 8A 2.69 x 10–4 0.00161 0.3363 289.8 3.2 0.3349 191.8 68.0 0.3288 21.1 21.7 5.0 0.4 7.3 1.023 1.019 1.004
18R-1, 123 93.23 5E 1.23 x 10–1 0.00029 0.3591 347.8 4.5 0.3379 81.8 41.2 0.3030 252.6 48.5 7878.9 2751.3 7483.9 1.185 1.115 1.063
19R-1, 86 97.86 2D 2.85 x 10–3 0.00026 0.3427 38.9 16.0 0.3387 299.7 29.1 0.3186 154.1 56.1 2028.5 121.9 3069.9 1.076 1.063 1.012
20R-2, 66 103.69 1D 3.28 x 10–3 0.00014 0.3440 177.1 11.6 0.3337 272.6 25.0 0.3224 64.3 62.1 4777.4 2721.4 3258.5 1.067 1.035 1.031
22R-2, 81 113.51 13 4.11 x 10–4 0.00078 0.3409 53.9 11.8 0.3321 316.0 33.3 0.3270 160.7 54.2 64.7 63.4 21.2 1.042 1.016 1.026
23R-1, 63 116.83 4C 3.69 x 10–4 0.00094 0.3431 0.7 0.9 0.3307 267.9 71.5 0.3262 91.0 18.5 69.7 87.4 11.6 1.052 1.014 1.038
23R-2, 45 118.09 6 3.21 x 10–4 0.00146 0.3391 72.8 24.0 0.3365 336.7 13.5 0.3244 219.8 62.0 22.9 1.6 33.9 1.045 1.037 1.008
24R-2, 90 122.95 7C 3.25 x 10–3 0.00019 0.3379 216.2 30.2 0.3331 330.7 35.4 0.3290 97.1 39.8 457.6 330.0 244.1 1.027 1.013 1.014
25R-1, 45 126.25 4B 2.89 x 10–4 0.00126 0.3393 268.4 40.4 0.3338 173.4 5.9 0.3269 76.6 49.0 19.4 9.6 14.8 1.038 1.021 1.017
27R-1, 58 136.08 5B 4.62 x 10–4 0.00065 0.3443 250.9 14.9 0.3374 155.1 20.9 0.3183 13.9 63.9 342.9 57.2 429.2 1.082 1.060 1.021
28R-2, 51 141.93 1D 5.76 x 10–4 0.00053 0.3401 256.2 13.7 0.3376 354.1 29.2 0.3223 144.1 57.2 263.9 11.6 414.2 1.055 1.048 1.008

Notes: = 1 standard deviation for normalized eigenvalues. * = ODP core coordinates (double line on working half = 360°, inclination positive down). Dec = declination, inc = inclination. Total anisotropy critical value = 3.4817). F12 = max, min eigenvalues, F23 = int, min eigenvalues (critical value = 4.2565 for F12 and F23). P (degree of anisotropy) = max/min eigenvalues, F (magnetic foliation) = int/min eigenvalues, L (magnetic lineation) = max/int eigenvalues. This table is also available in ASCII.