Figures F1-F33
Figures F34-F65
Figures F66-F97
Tables T1-T15

F34. Plagioclase replaced by chlorite and quartz.

F35. Variation of alteration intensity, Hole 1268A.

F36. Abundance of metamorphic veins.

F37. Abundance and distribution of minerals in veins.

F38. Vein texture, shape, and structure in peridotites.

F39. Crosscutting between different generations of veins.

F40. Crosscutting between different generations of veins.

F41. Timing of alteration and veining events.

F42. Phase diagram for the Fe-Ni-S-O system.

F43. Downhole intensity/orientation of crystal-plastic deformation.

F44. Protogranular and protointergranular textures.

F45. Weakly foliated protogranular harzburgite.

F46. Protointergranular texture in harzburgite.

F47. Crystal-plastic deformation proportions.

F48. Changing foliation orientation/intensity in mylonitic shear zone.

F49. Serpentinized peridotite mylonite.

F50. Clinopyroxene porphyroclast and mylonite pressure shadow.

F51. Intrusion breccias showing increasing deformation.

F52. Anastomosing serpentinization foliation.

F53. Ribbon texture serpentine defining anastomosing foliation.

F54. Dips of anastomosing serpentine foliation.

F55. Downhole dip of anastomosing serpentine foliation.

F56. Downhole serpentine foliation/crystal-plastic deformatio.

F57. Fault gouge.

F58. Serpentinized dunite band and cataclastic shear zones.

F59. Dip range of cataclastic shear zones.

F60. Dips of cataclastic shear zones with depth.

F61. Fibrous serpentine-filled fault cutting serpentine-sulfide veins.

F62. Dip range of small faults and shear fractures.

F63. Dips of small faults and shear fractures with depth.

F64. Gabbro cataclasite.

F65. Magmatic vein with serpentine-filled tension gashes.

Figures F1-F33
Figures F34-F65
Figures F66-F97
Tables T1-T15