Figure F110. Representative vector endpoint demagnetization diagrams of long-core measurements from Hole 1270B. The low-coercivity drilling component accounts for >90% of the remanence. Although the remanence remaining after AF treatment to 20 mT is insignificant, the projection of the data on the stereonet shows great circle trends from nearly vertical directions to (A) very shallow negative inclinations (Section 209-1270B-1R-1, 96 cm) or (B) horizontal directions (Section 209-1270B-3M-1, 114 cm). A detailed view of the orthogonal plot at high demagnetization levels shows that directions pass the origin and a higher-coercivity component is present in most of the samples. NRM = natural remanent magnetization. Solid circles = projections onto the horizontal plane and open circles = projections onto the vertical plane.