Figure F28. The serpentinized harzburgite in Hole 1270A locally contains deformed mylonitic zones. A. In this photograph of a hand specimen, the light gray domain on the right shows a strong foliation (interval 209-1270A-1R-1, 34–39 cm). B–D. Photomicrographs showing features from the same interval as that shown in A (Sample 209-1270A-1R-1, 35–38 cm). (B) The deformed domain locally contains serpentine with an interpenetrating texture that may be antigorite (plane-polarized light: blue filter; field of view [FOV] = 0.7 mm; image 1270A_004). (C) A late chrysotile vein is deformed and transposed (arrow) into the foliation of the deformed domain of this serpentinite (cross-polarized light: blue + light gray filters; FOV = 1.4 mm; image 1270A_010). (D) Pyrite is a common phase in the serpentine mylonite and appears to replace spinel along with magnetite (mt = magnetite, py = pyrite, sp = spinel) (reflected light, FOV = 1.4 mm; image 1270A_005).