Figure F34. A. Photograph of hand specimen of a rare example of an intensely deformed interval in Hole 1270A (interval 209-1270B-8R-1, 21–29 cm). B, C. Photomicrographs showing features from the same interval as that in A (Sample 209-1270B-8R-1, 26–29 cm). (B) Bands with intense talc replacement are common (px = pyroxene) (cross-polarized light: blue + light gray filter; field of view = 1.4 mm; image 1270B_27). (C) In the same thin section there are bands of fresh olivine (right side of image) juxtaposed with bands consisting of talc, chlorite, and amphibole with relict pyroxene and plagioclase (left side of image) (plane-polarized light: blue + dark gray filters; field of view = 2.75 mm; image 1260B_031).