Table T1. Coring summary, Site 1270.
Hole 1270A
Latitude: 14°43.3424´N
Longitude: 44°53.3206´W
Time on site: 112.75 (2200 hr, 28 May–1445 hr, 2 June 2003)
Time on hole: 18.00 (2200 hr, 28 May–1600 hr, 29 May 2003)
Seafloor (drill pipe measurement from rig floor, mbrf): 1962.0
Distance between rig floor and sea level (m): 11.0
Water depth (drill pipe measurement from sea level, m): 1951.0
Total depth (drill pipe measurement from rig floor, mbrf): 1988.9
Total penetration (mbsf): 26.9
Total length of cored section (m): 26.9
Total core recovered (m): 3.28
Core recovery (%): 12.2
Total number of cores: 4
Hole 1270B
Latitude: 14°43.2650´N
Longitude: 44°53.2249´W
Time on hole: 44.00 (1600 hr, 29 May–1200 hr, 31 May 2003)
Seafloor (drill pipe measurement from rig floor, mbrf): 1921.0
Distance between rig floor and sea level (m): 11.1
Water depth (drill pipe measurement from sea level, m): 1909.9
Total depth (drill pipe measurement from rig floor, mbrf): 1966.9
Total penetration (mbsf): 45.9
Total length of cored section (m): 45.9
Total core recovered (m): 17.17
Core recovery (%): 37.4
Total number of cores: 10
Hole 1270C
Latitude: 14°43.2835´N
Longitude: 44°53.0906´W
Time on hole: 15.00 (1200 hr, 31 May–0300 hr, 1 June 2003)
Seafloor (drill pipe measurement from rig floor, mbrf): 1833.0
Distance between rig floor and sea level (m): 11.1
Water depth (drill pipe measurement from sea level, m): 1821.9
Total depth (drill pipe measurement from rig floor, mbrf): 1851.6
Total penetration (mbsf): 18.6
Total length of cored section (m): 18.6
Total core recovered (m): 1.98
Core recovery (%): 10.65
Total number of cores: 3
Hole 1270D
Latitude: 14°43.2702´N
Longitude: 44°53.0839´W
Time on hole: 35.75 (0300 hr, 1 June–1445 hr, 2 June 2003)
Seafloor (drill pipe measurement from rig floor, mbrf): 1828.0
Distance between rig floor and sea level (m): 11.1
Water depth (drill pipe measurement from sea level, m): 1816.9
Total depth (drill pipe measurement from rig floor, mbrf): 1885.3
Total penetration (mbsf): 57.3
Total length of cored section (m): 57.3
Total core recovered (m): 7.68
Core recovery (%): 13.4
Total number of cores: 11
(May 2003)
Local time (hr)
Depth (mbsf)
Length (m)
Recovery (%)

1R 29 0930 0.0 11.4 11.4 1.50 13.2
2R 29 1140 11.4 17.4 6.0 0.96 16.0
3R 29 1320 17.4 21.9 4.5 0.40 8.9
4R 29 1515 21.9 26.9 5.0 0.42 8.4

Cored totals: 26.9 3.28 12.2

1R 30 0810 0.0 12.4 12.4 1.36 11.0
2R 30 1000 12.4 17.4 5.0 1.33 26.6
3M 30 1200 17.4 17.5 0.1 1.28 1280.0 Clean out to total depth. "Miscellaneous" type core, redrilled interval (sidetrack). No advance (10 cm).
4M 30 1555 17.5 22.0 4.5 3.00 66.7 Washed 4.5 m to bottom. "Miscellaneous" type core due to partially redrilled interval (sidetrack). 4.5-m advance (17.5–22.0 mbsf).
5R 30 1745 22.0 27.0 5.0 0.15 3.0 Core catcher jam.
6R 30 2110 27.0 31.5 4.5 0.45 10.0
7R 31 0200 31.5 36.5 5.0 3.16 63.2
8R 31 0445 36.5 40.8 4.3 3.10 72.1
9R 31 0850 40.8 45.8 5.0 1.36 27.2 Drop deplugger.
10M 31 1300 45.8 45.9 0.1 1.98 1980.0 Attempted to get to bottom. No joy. Unable to drill to bottom. "Miscellaneous" type core. No advance (10 cm).

Cored totals: 45.9 17.17 37.4

1R 31 2205 0.0 12.5 12.5 0.79 6.3
2R 31 2355 12.5 18.5 6.0 0.71 11.8
3M 31 0230 18.5 18.6 0.1 0.48 480.0 No advance (10 cm).

Cored totals: 18.6 1.98 10.7

1R 1 1135 0.0 13.9 13.9 0.95 6.8
2R 1 1415 13.9 18.9 5.0 0.35 7.0
3R 1 1735 18.9 23.4 4.5 2.17 48.2
4R 1 2135 23.4 28.4 5.0 2.00 40.0
5R 2 0035 28.4 32.9 4.5 0.36 8.0
6R 2 0250 32.9 37.9 5.0 0.59 11.8
7R 2 0430 37.9 42.4 4.5 0.22 4.9
8R 2 0525 42.4 47.4 5.0 0.12 2.4
9R 2 0625 47.4 51.6 4.2 0.40 9.5
10R 2 0750 51.6 56.6 5.0 0.25 5.0
11R 2 1000 56.6 57.3 0.7 0.27 38.6

Cored totals: 57.3 7.68 13.4