Table T11. Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility, Holes 1270A, 1270B, 1270C, and 1270D.
Core, section, interval (cm)
Depth (mbsf)
Susceptibility (SI)
Maximum* Intermediate* Minimum*
Dec (°)
Inc (°)
Dec (°)
Inc (°)
Dec (°)
Inc (°)

1R-1, 108 1.08 19 8.707E–02 0.00036 0.3527 287.6 56.6 0.3409 137.9 29.6 0.3064 39.7 13.9

1R-1, 98 0.98 16 3.826E–02 0.00011 0.3410 150.0 25.5 0.3380 29.7 46.7 0.3210 257.6 32.3
1R-1, 115 1.15 17 9.497E–02 0.00028 0.3513 104.3 73.2 0.3425 14.2 0.0 0.3062 284.2 16.8
4M-1, 104 18.54 14 9.387E–02 0.00022 0.3486 124.6 21.8 0.3361 28.2 15.6 0.3153 265.4 62.7
4M-2, 57 19.57 9 9.233E–02 0.00024 0.3419 130.6 42.4 0.3372 10.8 28.6 0.3210 259.0 34.2
4M-2, 125 20.25 19 2.067E–02 0.00031 0.3558 240.4 22.3 0.3319 107.2 59.1 0.3123 339.1 20.3
4M-3, 6 20.49 1 5.506E–02 0.00095 0.3512 143.2 42.4 0.3417 15.9 33.6 0.3071 264.0 29.3
7R-1, 105 32.55 17 4.909E–03 0.00024 0.3450 236.8 0.7 0.3342 329.2 73.5 0.3208 146.6 16.5
7R-2, 122 34.12 13 1.358E–01 0.00019 0.3579 73.5 8.9 0.3392 341.2 14.3 0.3029 194.5 73.1
8R-1, 127 37.77 20B 1.571E–01 0.00032 0.3672 355.5 8.3 0.3236 265.3 1.4 0.3092 165.8 81.5
10M-1, 27 46.07 6 1.879E–01 0.00119 0.3439 329.8 47.9 0.3371 103.8 32.1 0.3190 210.1 24.1

1R-1, 50 0.50 9 2.760E–02 0.00029 0.3505 110.9 5.1 0.3308 18.3 26.6 0.3187 210.9 62.8
1R-1, 63 0.63 10 3.469E–02 0.00027 0.3462 52.5 33.0 0.3389 145.1 4.1 0.3149 241.4 56.7
1R-1, 71 0.71 11 3.989E–02 0.00013 0.3403 27.5 59.3 0.3339 288.2 5.5 0.3258 195.0 30.1
2R-1, 67 13.17 12 2.724E–02 0.00031 0.3537 126.2 30.6 0.3330 19.3 26.1 0.3133 256.8 47.7

3R-1, 59 19.49 8B 7.012E–03 0.0005 0.3487 53.7 34.9 0.3392 317.4 9.0 0.3121 215.1 53.6
3R-2, 49 20.65 3 1.207E–02 0.00034 0.3453 109.0 46.8 0.3344 199.7 0.7 0.3203 290.3 43.1
3R-2, 53 20.69 3 2.147E–02 0.00015 0.3406 136.8 8.0 0.3372 41.9 31.2 0.3221 239.6 57.5
4R-1, 91 24.31 12A 4.414E–02 0.0002 0.3374 138.4 19.6 0.3334 28.3 44.0 0.3292 245.5 39.5
4R-1, 101 24.41 12B 4.351E–02 0.00012 0.3386 70.8 25.4 0.3348 163.1 4.9 0.3266 263.2 64.1
6R-1, 33 33.23 4B 3.731E–02 0.00043 0.3443 224.8 33.2 0.3400 321.0 9.4 0.3157 64.8 55.1
Core, section, interval (cm)
Depth (mbsf)
Total anisotropy
Minimum Maximum
Dec (°)
Inc (°)
Dec (°)
Inc (°)

1R-1, 108 1.08 19 3535.8 536.2 4534.3 1.151 1.112 1.035 302.9 13.9 190.8 56.6

1R-1, 98 0.98 16 7309.0 347.8 9999.9 1.062 1.053 1.009 262.7 32.3 155.1 25.5
1R-1, 115 1.15 17 5948.1 510.2 8553.5 1.147 1.118 1.026 262.8 16.8 82.9 73.2
4M-1, 104 18.54 14 4820.6 1682.8 4579.7 1.106 1.066 1.037 290.1 62.7 149.3 21.8
4M-2, 57 19.57 9 1647.7 189.5 2247.2 1.065 1.050 1.014 275.2 34.2 146.8 42.4
4M-2, 125 20.25 19 4042.4 3036.9 2048.5 1.139 1.063 1.072 107.4 20.3 8.7 22.3
4M-3, 6 20.49 1 477.7 50.6 662.1 1.143 1.112 1.028 273.1 29.3 152.3 42.4
7R-1, 105 32.55 17 1973.8 982.6 1503.1 1.075 1.042 1.032 358.2 16.5 88.4 0.7
7R-2, 122 34.12 13 9999.9 5067.0 9999.9 1.182 1.120 1.055 63.8 73.1 302.8 8.9
8R-1, 127 37.77 20B 6958.1 9082.7 980.1 1.188 1.046 1.135 124.2 81.5 313.9 8.3
10M-1, 27 46.07 6 93.1 16.1 115.2 1.078 1.057 1.020 305.3 24.1 65.0 47.9

1R-1, 50 0.50 9 2376.6 2225.4 853.0 1.100 1.038 1.059 58.7 62.8 318.7 5.1
1R-1, 63 0.63 10 2995.7 371.0 4024.1 1.099 1.076 1.021 64.1 56.7 235.2 33.0
1R-1, 71 0.71 11 2391.0 1152.2 1865.0 1.044 1.025 1.019 6.8 30.1 199.3 59.3
2R-1, 67 13.17 12 3366.3 2209.0 2000.6 1.129 1.063 1.062 283.5 47.7 152.9 30.6

3R-1, 59 19.49 8B 1180.4 185.2 1500.8 1.118 1.087 1.028 18.3 53.6 216.9 34.9
3R-2, 49 20.65 3 1070.8 499.8 854.4 1.078 1.044 1.032 126.1 43.1 304.8 46.8
3R-2, 53 20.69 3 3613.8 274.2 5296.4 1.057 1.047 1.010 72.7 57.5 329.9 8.0
4R-1, 91 24.31 12A 326.8 195.5 213.1 1.025 1.013 1.012 93.2 39.5 346.1 19.6
4R-1, 101 24.41 12B 2063.0 478.2 2333.5 1.037 1.025 1.011 115.2 64.1 282.8 25.4
6R-1, 33 33.23 4B 1049.9 50.8 1630.3 1.091 1.077 1.013 152.3 55.1 312.3 33.2

Notes: = 1 standard deviation for normalized eigenvalues. Total anisotropy critical value = 3.4817. * = unrotated core coordinates (double line on working half = 360°, inclination positive down). Dec = declination, inc = inclination. F12 = max, min eigenvalues, F23 = int, min eigenvalues (critical value = 4.2565 for F12 and F23). P (degree of anisotropy) = max/min eigenvalues, F (magnetic foliation) = int/min eigenvalues, L (magnetic lineation) = max/int eigenvalues. AMS = anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility. † = core coordinates rotated to 180°. This table is also available in ASCII.