Figure F41. Photomicrographs of deformed and undeformed gabbroic veins. Pl = plagioclase, Ol = olivine, Cpx = clinopyroxene, Am = amphibole, Pr = prehnite, bAm = brown amphibole, Ab = albite. A. Undeformed, troctolitic gabbro showing a clinopyroxene oikocryst occluding rounded olivine and subhedral plagioclase laths (Sample 209-1271B-18R-1 [Piece 5, 20–23 cm]) (cross-polarized light [XPL]; field of view [FOV] = 5.5 mm; image 1271B_127). B. Weakly recrystallized plagioclase at margin of an unstrained primary plagioclase grain in troctolite. Zone of secondary amphibole has formed between the plagioclase and olivine at upper right (Sample 209-1271B-16R-1 [Piece 4, 24–27 cm]) (XPL: blue filter; FOV = 1.4 mm; image 1271B_118). C. Olivine porphyroclast in recrystallized olivine in impregnated dunite mylonite (Sample 209-1271B-11R-1 [Piece 17, 88–91 cm]) (plane-polarized light [PPL]: blue filter; FOV = 5.5 mm; image 1271B_111). D–F. Sample 209-1271B-14R-1 (Piece 6, 25–29 cm). (D) Brown amphibole gabbro mylonite with an amphibole augen in a banded matrix of secondary brown amphibole, after recrystallized pyroxene and olivine, and prehnite, and hydrogrossular after plagioclase (XPL: blue filter; FOV = 5.5 mm; image 1271B_112). (E) Secondary brown amphibole cutting across pseudomorphed mylonite bands, locally extending into and replacing the mafic bands in the same mylonite as in D. A secondary albite vein splits the brown amphibole vein (PPL: blue filter; FOV = 5.5 mm; image 1271B_137). (F) Same frame as E (XPL: blue filter; FOV = 5.5 mm; image 1271B_136).