Figure F49. Examples of alteration veins cutting dunites in core sections from Holes 1271A and 1271B. A. Green picrolite serpentine veins cut by white picrolite serpentine veins and later oxide veins (interval 209-1271A-1R-1, 36–50 cm). B. Anastomosing network of black serpentine-magnetite veins cut by a later composite green and black serpentine vein and by late talc-tremolite and carbonate veins (interval 209-1271A-1R-1, 51–66 cm). C. Anastomosing network of black serpentine magnetite veins cut by green picrolite serpentine veins and later white chrysotile veins (interval 209-1271A-1R-2, 94–109 cm). D. Anastomosing network of black serpentine magnetite veins cut by a composite green and back serpentine vein that is offset by a fault filled with carbonate/tremolite (interval 209-1271B-7R-1, 24–31 cm). E. Anastomosing network of black serpentine/magnetite veins that has been faulted. Later green picrolite serpentine veins and even later carbonate veins exploit the fault as a conduit (interval 209-1271B-2R-1, 4–10 cm).