Table T10. Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility, Holes 1271A and 1271B.
Core, section, interval (cm)
Depth (mbsf)
Susceptibility (SI)
Maximum* Intermediate* Minimum*
Dec (°)
Inc (°)
Dec (°)
Inc (°)
Dec (°)
Inc (°)

1R-1, 70 0.70 11 1.456E–01 0.00029 0.3514 293.0 38.2 0.3275 72.8 44.1 0.3210 185.1 21.3
4R-1, 92 29.42 14 1.120E–01 0.00036 0.3565 154.9 19.1 0.3391 41.2 49.2 0.3045 258.6 34.5
4R-2, 26 30.03 1 1.163E–01 0.00047 0.3586 169.8 56.7 0.3429 5.9 32.3 0.2985 271.2 7.4
4R-2, 103 30.80 7B 9.984E–02 0.00022 0.3487 172.2 57.7 0.3354 21.7 28.8 0.3159 284.2 13.3

5R-1, 55 28.25 10 1.060E–01 0.00088 0.3723 109.4 67.8 0.3391 291.5 22.2 0.2886 201.2 0.8
8R-1, 69 41.39 14 1.290E–01 0.00037 0.3804 95.1 73.4 0.3326 293.6 15.8 0.2870 202.2 5.0
10R-1, 112 51.62 19 8.649E–02 0.00014 0.3437 66.7 8.1 0.3315 324.3 56.2 0.3248 161.9 32.5
12R-1, 131 61.41 21 7.917E–02 0.00013 0.3447 89.4 1.6 0.3343 337.1 85.7 0.3211 179.5 4.0
17R-1, 58 85.08 10 1.181E–01 0.00021 0.3493 90.1 27.0 0.3290 182.8 5.3 0.3217 283.0 62.4
19R-1, 20 94.30 3 1.150E–01 0.00028 0.3545 306.9 27.6 0.3467 178.7 49.8 0.2987 52.1 26.7
Core, section, interval (cm)
Depth (mbsf)
Total anisotropy
Minimum Maximum
Dec (°)
Inc (°)
Dec (°)
Inc (°)

1R-1, 70 0.70 11 2434.8 3397.4 248.7 1.095 1.020 1.073 146.4 21.3 254.3 38.2
4R-1, 92 29.42 14 4382.4 1183.5 4679.9 1.171 1.114 1.051 37.2 34.5 293.5 19.1
4R-2, 26 30.03 1 3500.4 553.5 4441.9 1.201 1.149 1.046 251.2 7.4 149.8 56.7
4R-2, 103 30.80 7B 4417.6 1804.2 3844.9 1.104 1.062 1.040 49.8 13.3 297.8 57.7

5R-1, 55 28.25 10 1830.3 711.9 1639.6 1.290 1.175 1.098 49.2 0.8 317.4 67.8
8R-1, 69 41.39 14 9999.9 8336.1 7589.7 1.325 1.159 1.144 128.8 5.0 21.7 73.4
10R-1, 112 51.62 19 3768.0 3821.6 1148.4 1.058 1.021 1.037 209.3 32.5 114.1 8.1
12R-1, 131 61.41 21 6200.0 2979.7 4845.6 1.073 1.041 1.031 289.3 4.0 199.2 1.6
17R-1, 58 85.08 10 3594.5 4533.2 582.0 1.086 1.023 1.062 105.3 62.4 272.4 27.0
19R-1, 20 94.30 3 9609.8 400.5 9999.9 1.187 1.161 1.023 47.7 26.7 302.5 27.6

Notes: = 1 standard deviation for normalized eigenvalues. Total anisotropy critical value = 3.4817. * = unrotated core coordinates (double line on working half = 360°, inclination positive down). Dec = declination, inc = inclination. F12 = max, min eigenvalues, F23 = int, min eigenvalues (critical value = 4.2565 for F12 and F23). P (degree of anisotropy) = max/min eigenvalues, F (magnetic foliation) = int/min eigenvalues, L (magnetic lineation) = max/int eigenvalues. AMS = anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility. † = anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility core coordinates rotated to 360°. This table is also available in ASCII.