Figure F18. Photomicrographs showing symplectic intergrowths involving spinel at orthopyroxene margins. A, B. Sample 209-1272A-27R-1, 136–138 cm. (A) Plane-polarized light (PPL): blue filter; field of view (FOV) = 2.75 mm; image 1272A_021. (B) Cross-polarized light (XPL): blue filter; FOV = 2.75 mm; image 1272A_022. C–E. Olivine enclosed in spinel. (C) Sample 209-1272A-13R-2, 33–36 cm (PPL; FOV = 1.4 mm; image 1272A_032). (D) Sample 209-1272A-17R-1, 127–129 cm (PPL; FOV = 1.4 mm; image 1272A_037). (E) close-up of image D showing two grains almost totally enclosed in spinel that resemble serpentinized olivine (PPL; FOV =2.75 mm; image 1272A_038). F. Polygon-shaped intergrowth (close-up of image A) (Sample 209-1272A-17R-1, 127–129 cm) (PPL; FOV = 1.4 mm; image 1272A_036).