Figure F19. Photomicrographs showing orthopyroxene/spinel relationships (Sample 209-1272A-23R-1, 7-11 cm). A, B. Plane-polarized light (PPL); field of view (FOV) = 2.75 mm; (A) harzburgite at the contact with dunite (image 1272A_039); (B) euhedral spinel in orthopyroxene (image 1272A_040). C. Orthopyroxene with spinel intergrowth at the border; the latter partially recrystallized into blocky spinel (PPL; FOV = 1.4 mm; image 1272A_042). D. Partially recrystallized spinel associated with orthopyroxene (PPL; FOV = 2.75 mm; image 1272A_041).