Figure F43. Close-up photographs of examples of alteration veins cutting harzburgites and dunites. A. Crosscutting black–dark green serpentine magnetite veins in a dunite (interval 209-1272A-23R-1, 10–26 cm). B. Early black–dark green serpentine veins cut by later white-green banded serpentine vein with orthogonal cracks filled with chrysotile in the same dunite (interval 209-1272A-23R-1, 25–41 cm). C. An example of the sigmoidal wispy white chrysotile veins defining a foliation dipping to the left (interval 209-1272A-23R-2, 126.5–139.5 cm). D. An example of a composite white-green banded serpentine vein with orthogonal, crosscutting chrysotile veins and a wallrock alteration halo (interval 209-1272A-24R-1, 86–100 cm).