Figure F68. Representative vector endpoint demagnetization diagrams for discrete samples (A, C, E-G) and archive-half (B, D) measurements from Unit I. A. Microgabbro (Sample 209-1272A-1R-1, 44–46 cm). B. Altered dunite (Section 209-1272A-2R-1, 20 cm). C. Altered dunite (Sample 209-1272A-2R-1, 63–65 cm). D. Olivine gabbro (Section 209-1271A-3R-1, 54 cm). E. Diabase (Sample 209-1272A-3R-1, 114–116 cm). F. Olivine gabbro (Sample 209-1272A-4R-1, 85–87 cm). G. Diabase (Sample 209-1272A-7R-1, 96–98 cm). NRM = natural remanent magnetization. Open circles = projections of the remanence onto the vertical plane, solid circles = projections of the remanence onto the horizontal plane.