Figure F10. Photomicrographs of orthopyroxene. A. Protogranular texture with smoothly curved olivine/orthopyroxene grain boundary (Sample 209-1274A-1R-1, 15–17 cm) (cross-polarized light [XPL]: blue filter; field of view [FOV] = 0.7 mm; image 1274A_008). B. Anhedral to interstitial orthopyroxene, partially enclosing medium-sized grains of olivine along its margin (Sample 209-1274A-8R-1, 15–18 cm) (XPL: blue + dark gray filters; FOV = 11 mm; image 1274A_060). C. Orthopyroxene at the contact with olivine, showing deep embayment within olivine. A symplectite of spinel and a strongly birefringent mineral (olivine or clinopyroxene) is present along one olivine/orthopyroxene contact (Sample 209-1274A-7R-1, 101–105 cm) (XPL; FOV = 0.7 mm; image 1274A_048).