Figure F28. A. Close-up photograph of serpentinized harzburgite (interval 209-1274A-17R-2, 14-25 cm). B. XRD analysis of Sample 209-1274A-17R-2, 16-19 cm, indicating the presence of serpentine (lizardite) and orthopyroxene. C. Photomicrograph showing typical orthopyroxene (opx) partially pseudomorphed by bastite (b), while olivine is altered to prominent mesh-textured serpentine with relict olivine crystals (o) in the mesh centers. Fine serpentine-magnetite and chrysotile veinlets crosscut the serpentinized olivine groundmass and the pseudomorphed orthopyroxene (arrow) (Sample 209-1274A-17R-2, 14–17 cm) (plane-polarized light: blue + light gray filters; field of view = 2.75 mm; image 1274A_019).