Figure F29. Photomicrographs showing kernels of olivine and brucite. A. Locally, olivine is preserved within the kernels of the serpentine mesh texture. Along its margins it is replaced by a mineral assemblage consisting of brucite (b), serpentine (s), and magnetite (arrow) (Sample 209-1274A-17R-1, 39–42 cm) (cross-polarized light: blue filter + condenser lens; field of view = 0.7 mm; image 1274A_017). B. Locally, relict olivine kernels are surrounded by serpentine (s) and brucite (b), forming a mesh texture (Sample 209-1274A-11R-1, 7–12 cm) (plane-polarized light; field of view = 0.7 mm; image 1274A_059). C. Brucite (b) (anomalous brown interference colors) in dunite is readily recognizable, forming kernels within the serpentine mesh texture (Sample 209-1274A-17R-1, 39–42 cm) (cross-polarized light: blue filter; field of view = 1.4 mm; image 1274A_018).