Figure F33. A. Photomicrograph showing patchy replacement of plagioclase by prehnite (prh) (Sample 209-1274A-11R-1, 46–49 cm) (cross-polarized light: blue filter; field of view = 2.75 mm; image 1274A_016). B. Close-up photograph of a rodingitized gabbro (interval 209-1274A-21R-1, 12–20 cm). C, D. Photomicrographs of Sample 209-1274A-21R-1, 12–17 cm (cross-polarized light: blue filter; field of view = 2.75 mm); (C) zoisite (zoi) replacing plagioclase (image 1274A_022); (D) euhedral andradite (and) crystal (image 1274A_023).