Figure F4. Reconstructions of the Cretaceous North Atlantic region. A. Albian (~110 Ma; Ziegler, 1988; Andeweg, 2002), with patterns explained in the key. B. Aptian at M0 Chron (~118 Ma; Srivastava and Verhoef, 1992), with ODP sites labeled and dark shading of modern land area. Pale shading in B indicates Jurassic–Cretaceous basins. CB = Cantabrian Basin, CSB = Celtic Sea Basin, FC = Flemish Cap, GLB = Galicia Bank, HB = Horseshoe Basin, IAP = Iberia Abyssal Plain, IGB = Inner Galicia Basin, JB = Jeanne d'Arc Basin, LB = Lusitanian Basin, OB = Orphan Basin, PB = Porcupine Basin, SENR = Southeast Newfoundland Ridge, TAP = Tagus Abyssal Plain, WAB = Western Approaches Basin. ODP holes on the Iberian margin are indicated by black dots and are labeled with site numbers. Site 1276 (open circle) is also shown.