Figure F10. Selected geochemical plots using ICP-MS whole-rock basalt data. These plots supplement the data shown in Figure F8. TiO2 is recalculated as Ti ppm. A. Zr/Y vs. Zr (Pearce, 1982). B. Ti vs. V (Shervais, 1982). ARC = volcanic arcs, OFB = ocean floor basalt. C. Ti/100 vs. Zr vs. 3Y (Pearce and Cann, 1973). IAT = island arc tholeiite, MORB = mid-ocean-ridge basalt, CAB = calc-alkali basalt, WPB = within-plate basalt. D. Hf/3 vs. Th vs. Ta (Wood, 1980). N-MORB = normal MORB, E-MORB = enriched MORB, WPT = within-plate tholeiite, WPA = within-plate alkaline basalt.