Table AT1. Point-count categories.
Qp Polycrystalline quartz
Qm Monocrystalline quartz
P Plagioclase feldspar
K Potassium feldspar
F(?) Feldspar (?) (possible feldspar-unstained thin section)
Lmm Polycrystalline mica lithic (mixed or undetermined mica mineralogy)
Lmm-b Polycrystalline mica lithic with biotite
Lmm-m Polycrystalline mica lithic with muscovite
Lmm-c Polycrystalline mica lithic with chlorite
Lmt Quartz-mica tectonite lithic (mixed or undetermined mica mineralogy)
Lmt-b Quartz-mica tectonite lithic with biotite
Lmt-m Quartz-mica tectonite lithic with muscovite
Lmt-c Quartz-mica tectonite lithic with chlorite
Lmt-alt Quartz-mica tectonite lithic–altered
Lma Quartz-feldspar-mica aggregate lithic (mixed or undetermined mica mineralogy)
Lma-b Quartz-feldspar-mica aggregate lithic with biotite
Lma-m Quartz-feldspar-mica aggregate lithic with muscovite
Lma-c Quartz-feldspar-mica aggregate lithic with chlorite
Lmp Metapelite lithic fragments
Lmc Metacarbonate lithic fragments
Lsp Sandy siltstone lithic fragment with detrital micas
Lsch Sedimentary chert or cherty claystone lithic
Lsa Claystone-shale lithic
Lsa A/D Partially dissolved or altered claystone-shale lithic
Lsc micr Microcrystalline calcite clasts
Lsc micr A/D Altered/partially dissolved micrite clast
Lsc carb Carbonate lithic clast
Unk Carb Carbonate clast of unknown origin
Lv Volcanic lithic
Op Opaque dense minerals
Non-op Nonopaque dense minerals
Biot Biotite
Biot alt chl Biotite altering to chlorite
Mu Muscovite
Chl Chlorite
Glauc Glauconite
Other/unk Other/Unknown grain
P-foram Planktonic foraminifers
B-foram Benthic foraminifers
Other foram Foraminifer of unknown type or altered/dissolved
Sponge sp Sponge spicule
Bryoz Bryozoan
Red alg Red algae
Rad Radiolarian
Mollusk Mollusk
Echino Echinoderm
Ost Ostracode
Bone frag Bone fragment or other phosphatic fish debris
Pl Plant (organic) matter
Bio other Other or unknown bioclastic debris
Matrix silt Silt matrix
Matrix clay Clay matrix
matrix micrite Micrite matrix
Other matrix Other matrix
Carb cmt Carbonate cement
Micr cmt Micritic carbonate cement
Silica cmt Quartz overgrowth cement
Gyp cmt Gypsum cement
Zeol cmt Zeolite cement
Op cmt Opaque cement
Micro clay Microporous clay
P intra Intraparticle porosity
P inter Interparticle porosity
P intra dissol Secondary porosity due to dissolution of detrital grains
P frac Fracture porosity
P other Porosity of other/unknown origin