Figure F17. Tectonic terrane map of the Grand Banks and Iberian regions showing the position of the Hercynian Front and ODP Site 1276. Other geographical areas: NF = Newfoundland, FC = Flemish Cap, GS = Goban Spur, and GB = Galicia Bank. Numbered terranes: 1 = Cantabrian Zone, 2 = West-Asturian and Leonesian Zone, 3a + 3b = Central Iberian Zone, 4 = Ossa-Morena Zone, 5 = South Portugese Zone, and 6 = Rheno-Hercynian Zone. Other tectonic features include the Collector Anomaly suture zone (CA) and Porto-Badajoz-Cordoba suture (cbtl + psl + ptl). Modified from Capdevila and Mougenot (1988).