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Basile, C., Ginet, J.M., and Pezard, P., 1998. Post-tectonic subsidence of the Côte d'Ivoire-Ghana marginal ridge: insights from FMS data. In Mascle, J., Lohmann, G.P., and Moullade, M. (Eds.), Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 159: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 8191. doi:10.2973/
Basile, C., Mascle, J., Benkhelil, J., and Bouillin, J.-P., 1998. Geodynamic evolution of the Côte d'Ivoire-Ghana transform margin: an overview of Leg 159 results. In Mascle, J., Lohmann, G.P., and Moullade, M. (Eds.), Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 159: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 101110. doi:10.2973/
Bellier, J.-P., 1998. Cretaceous planktonic foraminifers, eastern equatorial Atlantic. In Mascle, J., Lohmann, G.P., and Moullade, M. (Eds.), Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 159: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 335345. doi:10.2973/
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Bignot, G., 1998. Middle Eocene benthic foraminifers from Holes 960A and 960C, central Atlantic Ocean. In Mascle, J., Lohmann, G.P., and Moullade, M. (Eds.), Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 159: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 433444. doi:10.2973/
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Edwards, R.A., 1998. Integration of seismic reflection, physical properties, and downhole logging data. In Mascle, J., Lohmann, G.P., and Moullade, M. (Eds.), Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 159: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 225240. doi:10.2973/
Erbacher, J., 1998. Mid-Cretaceous radiolarians from the eastern equatorial Atlantic and their paleoceanography. In Mascle, J., Lohmann, G.P., and Moullade, M. (Eds.), Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 159: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 363373. doi:10.2973/
Giresse, P., Gadel, F., Serve, L., and Barusseau, J.P., 1998. Indicators of climate and sediment-source variations at Site 959: implications for the reconstruction of paleoenvironments in the Gulf of Guinea through Pleistocene times. In Mascle, J., Lohmann, G.P., and Moullade, M. (Eds.), Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 159: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 585603. doi:10.2973/
Gonçalves, C.A., 1998. Lithologic interpretation of downhole logging data from the Côte d'Ivoire-Ghana transform margin: a statistical approach. In Mascle, J., Lohmann, G.P., and Moullade, M. (Eds.), Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 159: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 157170. doi:10.2973/
Gonçalves, C.A., and Ewert, L., 1998. Evaluation of the geochemical logging data in Hole 959D: Côte d'Ivoire-Ghana transform margin. In Mascle, J., Lohmann, G.P., and Moullade, M. (Eds.), Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 159: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 171179. doi:10.2973/
Guernet, C., 1998. Neogene and Pleistocene ostracodes, Sites 959 and 960, Gulf of Guinea. In Mascle, J., Lohmann, G.P., and Moullade, M. (Eds.), Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 159: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 525531. doi:10.2973/
Hisada, K., Arai, S., and Yamaguchi, T., 1998. Detrital chromian spinels from Site 960 in the Côte d'Ivoire-Ghana transform margin. In Mascle, J., Lohmann, G.P., and Moullade, M. (Eds.), Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 159: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 133139. doi:10.2973/
Hisada, K., Kajiwara, Y., and Yamaguchi, T., 1998. Sulfur-isotope studies of upper Albian sediments at the Côte d'Ivoire-Ghana transform margin. In Mascle, J., Lohmann, G.P., and Moullade, M. (Eds.), Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 159: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 125131. doi:10.2973/
Holbourn, A.E.L., and Kuhnt, W., 1998. TuronianSantonian benthic foraminifer assemblages from Site 959D (Côte d'Ivoire-Ghana transform margin, equatorial Atlantic): indication of a Late Cretaceous oxygen minimum zone. In Mascle, J., Lohmann, G.P., and Moullade, M. (Eds.), Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 159: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 375387. doi:10.2973/
Holbourn, A.E.L., and Moullade, M., 1998. Lower Cretaceous benthic foraminifer assemblages, equatorial Atlantic: biostratigraphic, paleoenvironmental, and paleobiogeographic significance. In Mascle, J., Lohmann, G.P., and Moullade, M. (Eds.), Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 159: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 347362. doi:10.2973/
Holmes, M.A., 1998. Thermal diagenesis of Cretaceous sediment recovered at the Côte d'Ivoire Ghana transform margin. In Mascle, J., Lohmann, G.P., and Moullade, M. (Eds.), Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 159: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 5370. doi:10.2973/
Janik, A.G., Hood, J.A., and Ask, M., 1998. Physical properties data at Hole 959D: comparison of core and log measurements and a proposed revision of lithologic units. In Mascle, J., Lohmann, G.P., and Moullade, M. (Eds.), Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 159: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 241249. doi:10.2973/
Kuhnt, W., Moullade, M., and Kaminski, M., 1998. Upper Cretaceous, K/T boundary, and Paleocene agglutinated foraminifers from Hole 959D (Côte d'Ivoire-Ghana transform margin). In Mascle, J., Lohmann, G.P., and Moullade, M. (Eds.), Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 159: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 389411. doi:10.2973/
Lespinasse, M.C., Leroy, J.L., Pironon, J., and Boiron, M.-C., 1998. The paleofluids from the marginal ridge of the Côte d'Ivoire-Ghana transform margin (Hole 960A) as thermal indicators. In Mascle, J., Lohmann, G.P., and Moullade, M. (Eds.), Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 159: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 4952. doi:10.2973/
Lévy, A., Mathieu, R., Poignant, A., and Rosset-Moulinier, M., 1998. Data report: distribution of Pleistocene benthic foraminifers from the eastern equatorial Atlantic Ocean. In Mascle, J., Lohmann, G.P., and Moullade, M. (Eds.), Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 159: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 605610. doi:10.2973/
Marcano, M.C., Lohmann, K.C., and Pickett, E.A., 1998. Uplift and exposure history of the Côte d'Ivoire-Ghana transform margin: geochemistry of pore-filling and fracture vein calcites. In Mascle, J., Lohmann, G.P., and Moullade, M. (Eds.), Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 159: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 7179. doi:10.2973/
Masure, E., Rauscher, R., Dejax, J., Schuler, M., and Ferré, B., 1998. CretaceousPaleocene palynology from the Côte d'Ivoire-Ghana transform margin, Sites 959, 960, 961, and 962. In Mascle, J., Lohmann, G.P., and Moullade, M. (Eds.), Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 159: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 253276. doi:10.2973/
Morita, S., and Taira, A., 1998. Magnetic fabric analysis of sediments from the Côte d'Ivoire-Ghana transform margin. In Mascle, J., Lohmann, G.P., and Moullade, M. (Eds.), Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 159: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 189197. doi:10.2973/
Moullade, M., Watkins, D.K., Oboh-Ikuenobe, F.E., Bellier, J.-P., Masure, E., Holbourn, A.E.L., Erbacher, J., Kuhnt, W., Pletsch, T., Kaminski, M.A., Rauscher, R., Shafik, S., Yepes, O., Dejax, J., Gregg, J.M., Shin, I.C., and Schuler, M., 1998. Mesozoic biostratigraphic, paleoenvironmental, and paleobiogeographic synthesis, equatorial Atlantic. In Mascle, J., Lohmann, G.P., and Moullade, M. (Eds.), Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 159: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 481490. doi:10.2973/
Norris, R.D., 1998. MiocenePliocene surface-water hydrography of the eastern equatorial Atlantic. In Mascle, J., Lohmann, G.P., and Moullade, M. (Eds.), Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 159: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 539555. doi:10.2973/
Norris, R.D., 1998. Planktonic foraminifer biostratigraphy: eastern equatorial Atlantic. In Mascle, J., Lohmann, G.P., and Moullade, M. (Eds.), Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 159: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 445479. doi:10.2973/
Oboh-Ikuenobe, F.E., Yepes, O., and Gregg, J.M., 1998. Palynostratigraphy, palynofacies, and thermal maturation of CretaceousPaleocene sediments from the Côte d'Ivoire-Ghana transform margin. In Mascle, J., Lohmann, G.P., and Moullade, M. (Eds.), Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 159: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 277318. doi:10.2973/
Pickett, E.A., and Allerton, S., 1998. Structural observations from the Côte d'Ivoire-Ghana transform margin. In Mascle, J., Lohmann, G.P., and Moullade, M. (Eds.), Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 159: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 311. doi:10.2973/
Pletsch, T., 1998. Origin of lower Eocene palygorskite clays in the Côte d'Ivoire-Ghana transform margin, eastern equatorial Atlantic. In Mascle, J., Lohmann, G.P., and Moullade, M. (Eds.), Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 159: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 141156. doi:10.2973/
Ravizza, G., 1998. Osmium-isotope geochemistry of Site 959: implications for Re-Os sedimentary geochronology and reconstruction of past variations in the Os-isotopic composition of seawater. In Mascle, J., Lohmann, G.P., and Moullade, M. (Eds.), Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 159: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 181186. doi:10.2973/
Schellpeper, M.E., and Watkins, D.K., 1998. Oligocene to early Miocene silicoflagellates from the Ivorian Basin, eastern equatorial Atlantic, Site 959. In Mascle, J., Lohmann, G.P., and Moullade, M. (Eds.), Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 159: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 493508. doi:10.2973/
Shafik, S., Watkins, D.K., and Shin, I.C., 1998. Calcareous nannofossil Paleogene biostratigraphy, Côte d'Ivoire-Ghana marginal ridge, eastern equatorial Atlantic. In Mascle, J., Lohmann, G.P., and Moullade, M. (Eds.), Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 159: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 413431. doi:10.2973/
Shafik, S., Watkins, D.K., and Shin, I.C., 1998. Upper Cenozoic calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy, Côte d'Ivoire-Ghana margin, eastern equatorial Atlantic. In Mascle, J., Lohmann, G.P., and Moullade, M. (Eds.), Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 159: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 509523. doi:10.2973/
Shin, I.C., 1998. PliocenePleistocene paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic history of Site 959, eastern equatorial Atlantic Ocean. In Mascle, J., Lohmann, G.P., and Moullade, M. (Eds.), Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 159: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 575583. doi:10.2973/
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