Chapter 1: Introduction, p. 3-11.
Shipboard Scientific Party
Chapter 2: Structural setting of the Leg 156 area, northern Barbados Ridge accretionary prism, p. 13-27.
G.F. Moore, Z. Zhao, T.H. Shipley, N. Bangs, and J.C. Moore
Chapter 3: Calibration of an X-ray diffraction method to determine relative mineral abundances in bulk powders using matrix singular value decomposition: a test from the Barbados accretionary complex, p. 29-37.
A.T. Fisher and M.B. Underwood
Chapter 4: Explanatory notes, p. 39-68.
Shipboard Scientific Party
Chapter 5: Site 947, p. 71-86.
Shipboard Scientific Party
Chapter 2: Figure 2. Regional hydrosweep bathymetry. Contour interval is 25 m. See Figure 1 for location. Circles are locations of drill sites; box is boundary of 3-D seismic survey; long line is location of Line 1; barbed line is thrust front. A. Contour map of entire survey. B. Shaded relief map of eastern half of survey. Small gridding artifacts in the eastern portion of the data are visible because of the generally subdued topography.
Chapter 2: Figure 5. Depth section of east-west seismic Line 1 (coincident with 3-D Line 688). Location is shown in Figure 2A. CDP = common depth point. VE = vertical exaggeration.
The CD-ROM in the back of this volume contains depth-shifted and processed logging data provided by the Borehole Research Group at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, as well as shipboard gamma-ray attenuation porosity evaluation (GRAPE), index properties, magnetic susceptibility, natural gamma-ray, P-wave, and reflectance data of cores collected on board JOIDES Resolution during Leg 156. CD-ROM production was conducted by the Borehole Research Group at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, the wireline logging operator for ODP.
For a complete list of files on this CD, refer to the INDEX and README files and the Table of Contents in the front of this volume.
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