Acknowledgments, p. 1
Chapter 1: Introduction and principal results, p. 5-14.
Shipboard Scientific Party
Chapter 2: Detailed structure and morphology of the TAG active hydrothermal mound and its geotectonic environment, p. 15-21.
M.C. Kleinrock, S.E. Humphris, and the Deep-TAG Team
Chapter 3: Pre-drilling observations of conductive heat flow at the TAG active mound using ALVIN, p. 23-29.
K. Becker and R.P. Von Herzen
Chapter 4: Advances in the motor-driven core barrel (MDCB), p. 31-35.
S.P. McGrath and E. Miyazaki
Chapter 5: Explanatory notes, p. 37-53.
Shipboard Scientific Party
Chapter 6: Operations, p. 55-62.
Shipboard Scientific Party
Chapter 7: TAG-1 Area, p. 65-140.
Shipboard Scientific Party
Thin-section descriptions for:
Site 957, p. 345-372.
JOIDES Advisory Groups, p. 375-379.
Sample and Data Distribution Policy, p. 381-384.
Chapter 7:
Table 2. Listing of visual core descriptions for core from Hole 957C from the Leg 158 Sulfide Log.
Table 6. Listing of visual core descriptions for core from Hole 957E from the Leg 158 Sulfide Log.
Table 7. Listing of visual core descriptions for core from Holes 957F and 957G from the Leg 158 Sulfide Log.
Chapter 8:
Table 2. Listing of visual core descriptions for core from Holes 957A, 957B, 957H, and 957N from the Leg 158 Sulfide Log.
Chapter 9:
Table 1. Listing of visual core descriptions for core from Hole 957Q from the Leg 158 Sulfide Log.
Chapter 10:
Table 2. Listing of visual core descriptions for core from Holes 957I, 957J, 957K, and 957M from the Leg 158 Sulfide Log.
Chapter 11:
Table 2. Listing of visual core descriptions for core from Holes 957O and 957P from the Leg 158 Sulfide Log.
The CD-ROM in the back of this volume contains shipboard gamma-ray attenuation porosity evaluator (GRAPE), index properties, magnetic susceptibility, natural gamma-ray, and P-wave data of cores collected on board JOIDES Resolution during Leg 158. This CD also contains sulfide core logs, basement core logs, and thin section summary descriptions in spreadsheet format.
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