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LEG 164 - Gas Hydrate Sampling on the Blake Ridge and Carolina Rise


Acknowledgments 1


Chapter 1: Leg 164 introduction, p. 5- 12
Shipboard Scientific Party

Chapter 2: Explanatory notes, p. 13- 41
Shipboard Scientific Party

Chapter 3: Seismic acquisition system grounding and noise, p. 43- 46
H. Hoskins and W. Wood

Chapter 4: Seismic reflection profiles on the Blake Ridge near Sites 994, 995, and 997, p. 47- 56
W.P. Dillon, D.R. Hutchinson, and R.M. Drury


Seismic reflection profile of Sites 994, 995, and 997, p. 59

Gas hydrate photographs, p. 60


Chapter 5: Sites 991/992/993, p. 65- 97

Shipboard Scientific Party
Site summary 65
Principal results 66
Background and objectives 66
Operations 68
Lithostratigraphy 68
Biostratigraphy 81
Paleomagnetism 82
Downhole tools and sampling 87
Organic geochemistry 87
Inorganic geochemistry 88
Physical properties 90
Synthesis and significance 94

Chapter 6: Site 994, p. 99- 174
Shipboard Scientific Party

Site summary 99
Principal results 100
Background and objectives 100
Operations 103
Lithostratigraphy 105
Gas hydrate 111
Biostratigraphy 114
Paleomagnetism 117
Downhole tools and sampling 122
Organic geochemistry 124
Inorganic geochemistry 128
Physical properties 132
Geophysics 135
Downhole logging 136
In situ temperature measurements 144
Synthesis and significance 147
Shore-based log processing 155

Chapter 7: Site 995, p. 175- 240
Shipboard Scientific Party

Site summary 175
Principal results 175
Background and objectives 176
Operations 177
Lithostratigraphy 179
Gas hydrate 184
Biostratigraphy 185
Paleomagnetism 189
Downhole tools and sampling 193
Organic geochemistry 197
Inorganic geochemistry 198
Physical properties 200
Geophysics 204
Downhole logging 207
In situ temperature measurements 215
Synthesis and significance 220
Shore-based log processing 226

Chapter 8: Site 996, p. 241- 275
Shipboard Scientific Party

Site summary 241
Principal results 242
Background and objectives 243
Operations 243
Lithostratigraphy 245
Gas hydrate 249
Biostratigraphy 256
Paleomagnetism 258
Downhole tools and sampling 261
Organic geochemistry 262
Inorganic geochemistry 264
Physical properties 266
Synthesis and significance 270

Chapter 9: Site 997, p. 277- 334
Shipboard Scientific Party

Site summary 277
Principal results 277
Background and objectives 278
Operations 279
Lithostratigraphy 281
Gas hydrate 286
Biostratigraphy 290
Paleomagnetism 292
Downhole tools and sampling 295
Organic geochemistry 297
Inorganic geochemistry 298
Physical properties 301
Geophysics 305
Downhole logging 307
In situ temperature measurements 310
Synthesis and significance 313
Shore-based log processing 319


Core-description forms and core photographs for:
Site 991, p. 337
Site 992, p. 345
Site 993, p. 351
Site 994, p. 357
Site 995, p. 435
Site 996, p. 507
Site 997, p. 523


Smear-slide descriptions for:
Site 991, p. 599
Site 992, p. 601
Site 993, p. 603
Site 994, p. 605
Site 995, p. 611
Site 996, p. 615
Site 997, p. 617


Thin-section descriptions for:
Sites 993 and 996, p. 623

(For JOIDES Advisory Groups and ODP Sample and Data Distribution Policy, please see ODP Proceedings, Initial Reports, Volume 158, pp. 375-384.)

Leg 164 Materials

There are two CD-ROMs in the back of this volume. One is a "data-only" CD-ROM containing depth-shifted and processed logging data provided by the Borehole Research Group at the Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory. This CD-ROM also contains shipboard GRAPE (gamma-ray attenuation porosity evaluator), index property, magnetic susceptibility, and natural gamma data of cores collected on board the JOIDES Resolution during Leg 164. CD-ROM production was carried out by the Borehole Research Group at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Wireline Logging Operator for ODP. The second CD-ROM contains an electronic version of the Leg 164 Initial Reports volume in Adobe Acrobat, tab delimited ASCII files of all the tables from the volume, and vane shear and index properties data for Sites 991 through 997.

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