Sites 7 Holes 18 Cored Interval (m) 2,785.90 Core Recovered (m) 1,974.31 Percent Recovered 70.9 Total Penetration (m) 4399.7 Time on Site (Days) 42.18 Number of Cores 344 Number of Samples 21.892 Whole Rounds 923 Boxes of Core 305
Samples Analyzed: Inorganic Carbon (CaCO3) 368 Total Carbon (NCHS) 290 Water Chemistry (the suite includes pH, alkalinity, sulfate, calcium, magnesium, chlorinity, potassium, silica, salinity) 541 Pyrolysis Evaluation (Rock Eval and GHM) 100 Gas Samples 1,000 Extractions 3 Thin Sections 8 XRF 0 XRD 514 MST Runs 5,020 Cryomagnetometer Runs: 1,220 Cubes 214 Oriented Cores 55 Physical Properties Velocity 113 Thermal Conductivity 425 Index Properties 1,520 Resistivity 0 Shear Strength 309 MST 1555
Underway Geophysics: Bathymetry (NM) 1,645 Seismic Survey (NM) 79 XBT's launched 4
Downhole Tools: WSTP 32 Adara 23 DVTP 4 PCS 46
Additional: Close-up Photos 194 Whole-Core Photographs 344 Rolls of Microphotographs 5 Color Transparencies 380 Black-and-White Prints 3157